1. How can I contact the clinic?
One of the important treatment stages at Tel Aviv Medical Clinic is diagnostics. In 99% of cases, patients are already treated in their home country and not always correctly. It often happens that established diagnosis is not correct and, accordingly, the treatment is not correct.
Absolutely all patients who come to Israel for treatment undergo a minimum examination, which is prescribed by doctors before arrival. And on the first examination day at first consultation, doctors adjust treatment based on a physical examination and anamnesis. It is necessary to send all the documents you have, conclusions of attending physicians and MRI, CT, PET-CT disks for elect. email support@tamc.co.il or WhatsApp/Viber/Telegram +972523373108.
All this information will allow to understand examination plan. On average, documents processing takes up to 24 hours for adults and 24-48 hours for children. The answer comes to patient’s mail by letter with information about what examination you need to undergo, who the attending physician is, the cost and terms of stay.
2. How to plan a visit for treatment?
After you sent medical documents and received a written response that we can help you, an approximate treatment plan, cost and terms of stay, you need to choose a convenient date of arrival and agree diagnostic program and this date with Department of Medical Tourism before buying tickets.
Once you have received confirmation that we can accept you for examination and treatment, you can book arrival tickets for these dates. As soon as you have bought tickets, you need to send tickets and passports of all who fly (patient + accompanying person) to e-mail support@tamc.co.il or WhatsApp/Viber/Telegram +972523373108.
After Department of Medical Tourism received your documents, within 2-6 hours they will send you request. You need to print out this request and show it to customs at Ben Gurion Airport, Tel Aviv, Israel.
3. Do I need a visa to Israel?
To that countries that need a visa to Israel, Department of Medical Tourism helps in clearance.
Countries that do not need a visa to enter Israel receive a letter from the hospitals for customs control at Ben Gurion International Airport.
The request must be printed and shown.
4. Can you help me to book an appartment?
As soon as the patient has confirmed arrival date and tickets have been purchased, it is necessary to book an appartment. Since Tel Aviv Medical Clinic is located in the center of Tel Aviv on Weizmann 14 street, all hotels and apartments are 10-15 min. taxi ride so choosing an appartment shouldn’t be a problem.
On average, 3 * hotels cost from 80 – 140 dollars. per day, 4 * hotels from 120 – 170 dollars. per day, 5 * hotels from 180 dollars per day and more. Also there is a 4 * hotel – Vital on hospital territory.
The exact cost can be obtained only after a request for exact dates, as prices change due to holidays, the number of days, etc. It is also possible to book an apartment. The cost of apartment depends on the number of rooms, exact dates of arrival, etc. and averages from 70 – 120 dollars. per day.
The advantage of apartments is that they are 10-25% cheaper than hotels, do not limit the number of residents and have the opportunity to cook their own food, since the apartments have a kitchen. If necessary, our staff will help you book an appartment.
5. Will someone meet me at the airport?
Tel Aviv Medical Clinic provides airport-to-hotel and hotel-to-airport transfers free of charge.
After collecting your luggage at the airport and entering the central waiting room at Ben Gurion International Airport, you will be met by a driver with a poster with your name and surname.
6. How do I call and communicate with medical personnel in Israel?
The driver who meets the patient at the airport must hand over the mobile phone with Israeli sim card. The phone will have phone numbers of all employees of Department of Medical Tourism. The phone will have unlimited calls in Israel with unlimited internet.
7. How can I order a taxi?
The entire examination takes place on an outpatient basis, that is, the patient is not in the hospital and therefore he have to come to Tel Aviv Medical Clinic at the appointed time for examination. Patients pay for their own taxi, but assistance in ordering a taxi is done by Department of Medical Tourism.
8. Who accompanies me during treatment?
During the entire course of diagnosis and treatment in our medical center, the patient is assigned a specialized medical coordinator who speaks Russian, English and Hebrew.
There are no any additional costs for support and qualified translation. Research data, including medical reports and diagnostic materials, are provided to the patient in Russian or English at no extra charge.
The coordinating specialist and hospital staff are always available to explain any aspect of treatment plan and follow-up.
9. Payment for treatment?
Prices for treatment are state-owned and may change the Ministry of Health request. It is also possible to get medicine privately, which can be 20-50% more expensive than the state prices that will help to reduce the queue significantly.
10. How to avoid cheating when choosing a clinic?
To avoid cheating in Israeli medical tourism, analyze the official website of the clinic carefully. It must contain real photos of the institution, video feedbacks from real patients and licenses for medical activities.
Payments for services are recommended to be made only through the cash desk of a medical institution and preferably immediately before each medical procedure. Before your arrival in Israel, ask for a complete list of upcoming procedures, including their cost, treatment methods, and the names of the doctors who will perform them.
11. How to minimize treatment cost?
Knowingly go through a series of diagnostic procedures in your country. If you already have CT, MRI or biopsy results, be sure to bring them with you to Israel. With the appropriate quality of these data, our doctors will simply confirm their accuracy, saving you from re-examination. Continue therapy at home.
At our medical center you can get a complete treatment plan with prescriptions that you can treat yourself at home. Take advantage of the TAX FREE – tax refund. Our clinic is licensed and its patients can count on a 15% tax refund on their purchases.
12. How is remote medical interaction (telemedicine consultation) carried out?
After all the necessary medical materials are provided, a video conference will be held with a professor from Israel.
The specialist will make his conclusion, give recommendations for treatment and prescribe drugs that can be purchased at your place of residence or ordered directly from Tel Aviv Medical Center.
At your request, treatment can be continued at medical institutions in your country that cooperate with our clinic.
13. Why cancer is treated in Israel effectively?
Medical practice in Israel is recognized worldwide for its personalized approach to each patient, outstanding medical expertise, and a wide range of diagnostic methods and therapeutic options for all types of cancers and related conditions.
Forming a treatment plan of oncological diseases, the type and stage of cancer, patient’s physiological characteristics and the presence of metastases are taken into account.