Wilms' Tumor Doctors, Surgeons & Experts
The specialists of the leading Israeli clinic Tel Aviv Medical Clinic effectively and quickly cope with the treatment of all types of oncological pathologies in children, annually introducing the latest developments and masterly using the most advanced medical technology. The clinic also conducts the early diagnosis and surgical treatment of Wilms’ tumour in Israel (nephroblastoma).
In Israel, all areas of pediatrics (pediatric oncology, pediatric orthopedics, pediatric urology and nephrology) are prioritized, so it is not surprising that Israeli doctors have accumulated unprecedented clinical experience in the treatment of childhood diseases.
Nephroblastoma (Wilms tumour) is childhood cancer, a type of kidney cancer. Usually, nephroblastoma appears in children aged 2-3, a maximum of 6 years. This disease occurs quite often, especially in children with developmental delays, and, as a rule, is combined with other congenital diseases, such as aniridia (absence of the iris of the eyes), disorders of the genitourinary system, and others. Both girls and boys are equally susceptible to the disease.
The doctors at Tel Aviv Medical Clinic have accumulated colossal clinical experience in the treatment of this disease. For the treatment of nephroblastoma, our medical centre uses advanced methods such as various types of ablation, laser, etc.
Treatment of the disease
Due to the peculiarities of the child’s developing organism, its unstable physical and hormonal state, the treatment of pediatric diseases requires a special qualification, which, unfortunately, does not reach the required level in many clinics of the former CIS countries.
The method of treatment for nephroblastoma depends on the child’s age and the stage of tumour development. The younger the child and the smaller the stage, the more effective and faster the treatment. In each case, the treatment program is developed individually by the clinic’s specialists. As a rule, at the first stage, the removal of the kidney effected by cancer and metastases is carried out. After removing one kidney, the second takes over its function.
Surgery to remove nephroblastoma, as well as surgery to remove other malignant kidney tumours, can be carried out with modern minimally invasive methods, an alternative to conventional abdominal surgery. It is also possible to have two or more sessions of radiation therapy, one before surgery to stop tumour growth, and the other after surgery to prevent a recurrence. The clinic carries out round-the-clock monitoring of the child’s condition, in case of a relapse, the procedures are repeated.