• The Best Clinic
  • The Best Clinic
Weizman 14, Tel Aviv, Israel

    What is Leukemias?

    What is Leukemias?

    Leukemia – is a bone marrow disease in which disturbed hematopoiesis. Due to the development of the disease, many systems of the body fail. Children carry this pathology hard. Once the doctor has diagnosed, he proceeds with immediate treatment.

    Why there is pathology

    The disease in children of different ages can occur for several reasons: 

    • The defeat of various infections and viruses;
    • Genetic predisposition;
    • Effects of various chemical compounds;
    • Radiation exposure.

    Experts do not fully figure out because this may cause pathology.

    Disease symptomatology.

    If you have the following symptoms in your child, contact a specialist immediately:

    • Increased weakness;
    • pale skin;
    • Loss of appetite and weight;
    • Heart palpitations;
    • Bruising;
    • An increase in the lymph nodes;
    • Frequent infections.

    A qualified children ‘s doctor will carry out a comprehensive examination of the whole body to exclude the development of concomitant diseases.

    Diagnosis and treatment of the disease at Tel Aviv Medical Clinic

    We have real professionals of our business who know how to find an approach to the child. With the help of modern equipment, it is possible to detect pathology at the initial stage and to begin its treatment. We provide comfortable rooms for parents and children to stay together. Our clinic offers psychological and moral support to adults and children who are stressed.

    Our employees have trained annually in leading European and American institutions. We are helping to contact charitable foundations to raise funds for treatment. A pleasant bonus for our patients is the fact that the clinic has tariffs at the level of the state. So you get the full range of services at an acceptable price.

    To make the correct diagnosis, the doctor carries out the following examination:

    • Inspection and medical history;
    • Analysis of blood and urine;
    • Puncture of the bone marrow;
    • MRI or CT;
    • US and others.

    Based on the obtained data, the doctor will select an individual therapy scheme, which includes:

    • Drug treatment;
    • Surgical intervention;
    • Chemotherapy;
    • Radiosurgery;
    • Maintenance therapy.

    Doctors of the clinic manage to help even those patients who have been recognized as terminally ill in other medical institutions.

    Find A Doctor

    Give us a call or fill in the form below and we will contact you. We endeavor to answer all inquiries within 24 hours on business days.
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