• The Best Clinic
  • The Best Clinic
Weizman 14, Tel Aviv, Israel

    What is Aplastic Anemia

    The leading Israeli clinic Tel Aviv Medical Clinic uses an innovative approach in the treatment of aplastic anaemia using the latest methods of medicine. Our specialists are real professionals who have no equal in the diagnosis and treatment of rare and complex diseases. Our doctors apply huge experience and skills in their daily practice, with the help of which they effectively cure little-studied blood pathologies. 90% of patients managed to return to the joys of life, thanks to the detection of aplastic anaemia at the initial stage. Our medical staff take care of the comfort of the patients and speak Russian. Our haematology department is equipped with the latest equipment. Thanks to this, our doctors use revolutionary medical and diagnostic techniques.

    Signs of disease

    Aplastic anaemia is a blood pathology when the bone marrow cannot produce cells in the required volume. The disease is considered rare and occurs in both children and adults, as well as in old age in people after 60 years. It is generally accepted that disease can occur due to a decline in immunity when the destruction of one’s blood cells occurs. The presence of the disease is indicated by the following signs:

    • pale skin;
    • shortness of breath;
    • dizziness;
    • bleeding from the gums and nose;
    • bruising;
    • frequent respiratory diseases;
    • frequent change of mood;
    • increased weakness.

    Diagnosis and treatment

    Each parent can suspect the presence of a disease in the baby when the above signs occur. The correct diagnosis can be made based on the results of the examination, which consists of:

    • inspection;
    • histological and cytological blood analysis;
    • X-ray of lungs;
    • Ultrasound of kidneys, liver and spleen;
    • MRI;
    • bone marrow punctures.

    Tel Aviv Medical Clinic specialists use such innovative approaches in the treatment of aplastic anaemia:

    • drug therapy, which involves the administration of immunosuppressors and corticosteroids that suppress the function of the immune system;
    • bone marrow transplant with irradiation;
    • blood transfusion and use of drugs with increased platelet and erythrocyte content.

    Our qualified physicians will select an individual therapy regimen for each patient, taking into account the form of the disease and the severity.


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