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    Video capsule endoscopy

    Video capsule endoscopy

    The diagnostic method using an endoscopic capsule is relatively new but has already managed to establish itself in many countries as quite useful. A video camera integrated with a small tablet. It transmits a video signal through the transmitter, moving through the patient’s body. Passing the gastrointestinal tract, she takes tens of thousands of shots. 

    Indications for capsular endoscopy

    Such an examination method prescribed only if the patient has the following signs of disease:

    • chronic pain or discomfort in the abdomen, the cause of which could not be identified during an ultrasound, CT, FGS, and other diagnostic methods, as well as during laboratory testing;
    • Iron-deficiency anemia;
    • gastric bleeding;
    • inflammatory processes and chronic bowel diseases;
    • tumor neoplasms, suspected oncology
    • Crohn’s disease;
    • to control the treatment with the focus of the disease localized in the small intestine;
    • ulcerative colitis;
    • prolonged, unreasonable diarrhea, accompanied by marked weight loss.


    Not everyone is allowed to do this. It contraindicated:

    • with acute intestinal obstruction
    • if the patient has an upset act of swallowing
    • if there is an electromechanical implant in the body
    • young children and pregnant women

    How is endoscopy performed with a video capsule

    The patient swallows the capsule, washed down with water, and then it passes naturally through the digestive tract. The video she shot transmitted to a recorder, from which the information then read to a computer. Looking through the images, the doctor makes a diagnosis based on them. Such an examination does not cause real patient discomfort. A similar procedure lasts quite a long time but usually does not exceed eight hours. While the capsule is doing its job, a person can find for himself any activity that does not involve heavy physical labor. Before endoscopy, bowel cleansing performed. Eating is allowed after four hours from the moment the video capsule swallowed.

    Advantages of a method

    Capsule endoscopy is advantageously different from conventional endoscopy by several advantages:

    1. The procedure itself is painless, does not cause discomfort.
    2. It is not harmful.
    3. It allows you to carefully and from all angles examine the small intestine along its entire length.
    4. The capsule is harmless and is disposable.

    Diagnostics using a video capsule in an Israeli clinic

    In the large medical center Tel Aviv Medical Clinic, where some of the best specialists work, using the technology of video capsule endoscopy, an accurately established diagnosis is guaranteed. Doctors of the clinic use advanced techniques and modern equipment when examining patients.

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