• The Best Clinic
  • The Best Clinic
Weizman 14, Tel Aviv, Israel

    Types of Blood Cancers and Blood Disorders

    Unfortunately, most people face blood cancer. With the development of disorders in the hematopoietic system, a person has specific symptoms and a malfunction of the whole organism occurs. Over time, the patient develops complications that can lead to his death. Therefore, it is so important to carefully monitor your health and seek qualified help in time.

    The leading Israeli clinic Tel Aviv Medical Clinic employs real professionals in their field, who have all the necessary knowledge and skills. We use original drugs and unique therapy methods. Thanks to the modern equipment of our department, doctors manage to help the patient get rid of a dangerous disease in 90-95% of cases. It should be noted that we have set tariffs at the state level. Thus, you get quality services for which you pay less. If necessary, our staff will help you contact charitable foundations to raise funds for treatment.

    Types of blood diseases

    Based on the composition of the blood, it becomes clear why all diseases are classified into four categories, distinguished depending on the damage to the components – platelets, erythrocytes, plasma and leukocytes. The clinic’s specialists distinguish the following types of pathology: 

    • Anaemia is one of the most common diseases associated with a decrease in the level of red blood cells in the blood. 
    • Haemophilia is a hereditary disease associated with impaired blood clotting. 
    • Agammaglobulinemia is a hereditary deficiency of gamma globulins (serum plasma proteins) in the blood.

    Affordable blood diagnostics based on blood tests enable the early detection of this disease. Due to the timely diagnosis of blood oncological diseases, high treatment efficiency is ensured. Among oncological diseases of the blood, the following are distinguished:

    • Leukaemia (leukaemia) is characterized by an overgrowth of atypical white blood cells that are unable to fight infections and interfere with the production of red blood cells and platelets. 
    • Lymphoma is a dramatic increase in the number of atypical lymphocytes. Lymphomas are classified as Hodgkin’s and non-Hodgkin’s (more common).
    • Myeloma (multiple myeloma) is manifested by the uncontrolled growth of plasma cells, a type of white blood cell that produces antibodies. 
    • A myelodysplastic syndrome is a group of blood diseases in which the bone marrow does not produce certain blood cells in the required amount.


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