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    Total proctocolectomy ileal pouch anal anastomosis

    Total proctocolectomy ileal pouch anal anastomosis

    Total proctocolectomy and ileoanal sac surgery are the removals of the colon and most of the rectum. The operation is carried out in one or two stages. This procedure is used to treat familial adenomatous polyposis – a hereditary disease in which multiple colon polyps are observed, which leads to the development of colon carcinoma under the age of 40 years. As a rule, there are no clinical symptoms, however, a positive reaction to occult blood in the faeces can be determined. Diagnosis is based on colonoscopy and genetic testing.

    Preparation for the procedure

    The patient undergoes a comprehensive examination of the body before surgery. Also, the doctor may ask the patient to adhere to the following principles:

    • Stop taking certain medications.
    • Stick to a special diet.
    • Drink a special solution.
    • Take antibiotics.
    • In case of emergency, surgery can be performed without preparation.


    The surgeon will make a surgical incision in the stomach. Then the doctor will remove the colon. Then he will remove the rectum. Anus and anal sphincter will remain in place. The anal sphincter is the muscle that opens the anus when a bowel movement occurs. Then the specialist will make a bag of the last 30 centimetres of your small intestine. The bag is sewn to the anus.

    Some surgeons perform this operation with the camera. This operation is called laparoscopy. It is done using several small surgical incisions. Sometimes a larger incision is made so that the surgeon can help manually. The benefits of this operation are faster recovery, less pain and only a few small cuts. The patient will be in the hospital for 3 to 7 days. By the second day, the patient is likely to be able to drink the liquid. The patient will be able to add thicker fluids to his diet, and then soft foods, when the intestines begin to work again.

    The leading Israeli clinic Tel Aviv Medical Clinic employs real professionals who have been involved in the detection and treatment of various pathologies for over 10 years. We use innovative methods of therapy and modern equipment. The wards of our department are equipped with everything necessary for the speedy recovery of patients. Our employees annually improve their skills. The clinic has established rates at the state level. Thus, you get a wide range of services at an affordable price.


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