• The Best Clinic
  • The Best Clinic
Weizman 14, Tel Aviv, Israel

    The ophthalmology department

    Eye diseases can progress rapidly and cause irreversible effects. There are many pathologies of the visual organ: glaucoma, cataracts, various inflammations, hyperopia, myopia, and much more. Such diseases lead to visual impairment, partial or even complete loss of vision. They extremely negatively affect the patient’s standard of living, so it is essential to seek the help of an ophthalmologist promptly.

    When you need to contact an ophthalmologist 

    There are several clinical manifestations in which you need to contact an ophthalmology department immediately:

    • Redness of the eyes and their dryness are some of the main symptoms of the “dry eye” syndrome, which develops when you are often at the computer, due to wearing contact lenses or due to inflammatory processes; 
    • Flies, spots or veil before the eyes – such clinical manifestations may indicate the development of dangerous diseases such as cataracts and glaucoma;
    • Soreness or discomfort in the eyes – may indicate fatigue or the presence of hazardous pathologies; 
    • Narrowing of the field of vision – most often occurs due to retinal detachment or degeneration;
    • Double vision is one of the most dangerous symptoms since it can indicate the development of diseases of the nervous system, the presence of a tumor in the eye sockets or brain, and so on. 
    • Pupils of different sizes are a symptom of severe fatigue or neurological disease.

    Diagnostic methods in ophthalmology 

    • Tonometry; 
    • Visionary; 
    • Ultrasonic echobiometry; 
    • Biomicroscopy of the anterior segment of the eye and vitreous body;  Perimetry; 
    • Ophthalmoscopy of the fundus.

    Also, special diagnostic tests often prescribed to patients, which allow a comprehensive and precise assessment of the structural and functional changes in the eyes. Such studies give the ophthalmologist more information about the pathology, which helps him to prescribe the optimal treatment.

    Methods of treating eye diseases 

    In modern ophthalmology, several methods of treating organs of vision used: 

    • Glasses and contact lenses; 
    • Ointments and drops; 
    • Injections into the eye; 
    • Operations and laser vision correction; 
    • Gene therapy; 
    • Hardware treatment.

    The Israeli medical center Tel Aviv Medical Clinic uses the most advanced methods of diagnosis and treatment of the eyes. We have complex eye operations that allow for vision correction. An excimer laser will enable you to maintain the integrity of the eyeball and biomechanics of the eye, eliminating many diseases that could not be cured before. And thanks to implantation of the bionic retina, even blind people have a chance to gain vision.

    The ophthalmology department of Tel Aviv Medical Clinic employs experienced ophthalmologists with international practice. The clinic uses the latest equipment. This allows us to carry out even the most complex operations successfully.

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