• The Best Clinic
  • The Best Clinic
Weizman 14, Tel Aviv, Israel

    Surgery for Metastatic Brain Tumors

    Unfortunately, in modern society, the number of people with metastatic tumours is growing steadily. According to the most conservative estimates, 8-10% of patients with malignant tumours develop symptomatic metastases in the brain. Therefore, if you notice the occurrence of dangerous symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor. He will conduct the necessary examination and establish the correct diagnosis.

    The leading Israeli clinic Tel Aviv Medical Clinic employs true professionals who have been treating various brain tumours for more than 10 years. We use original drugs and unique methods of therapy. Our experts have all the necessary knowledge and skills. After all, only a scrupulous and careful approach to each patient gives tangible results – the quality of life improves for seriously ill people since the applied schemes allow treatment to eliminate pain, slow down the tumour growth process, and relieve manifestations of severe intoxication.


    In the case of suspected brain cancer, a special diagnosis is carried out, during which the morphological type of the tumour, the site of localization, and the stage of the disease are determined. An important role is played by the initial examination, in which the doctor determines the functionality of the sensory organs, the level of reflex activity, and the accuracy of coordination of movements.

    Next, a hardware examination is assigned, which, depending on the results of a neurological examination, includes the following types of diagnostics: 

    • MRI (magnetic resonance imaging); 
    • CT (computed tomography); 
    • PET (positron emission tomography); 
    • biopsy (examination of a tissue fragment to determine the morphological structure of the tumour).


    The effectiveness of the treatment of most malignant brain tumours is achieved through a combination of surgical, radiation (radiation therapy of brain tumours) and chemotherapeutic (chemotherapy of brain tumours) treatment methods. In some tumours, the main treatment methods are brain irradiation or chemotherapy for brain tumours. Metastatic brain tumours are malignant neoplasms that form in cancer cells that occur in various areas or organs of the body. Oncological diseases such as lung, breast, skin, and kidney cancers are the most common cause of metastatic brain tumours. Treatment of brain metastases follows the rules of treatment for the type of cancer that generated these metastases.


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