Reconstruction and correction of protruding ears
Among other areas of plastic surgery, ear plastic is the most demanded among patients. Thanks to new techniques and modern equipment, the Tel Aviv Medical Clinic carries out operations with the least trauma. The defect of the auricle eliminated, the ears acquire anatomically correct and attractive appearance.
Operations performed for both adults and children. But parents should take into account that surgical intervention will only occur when the auricles fully developed, that is, at about the age of six years. Doctors recommend that parents before this age consult with a plastic surgeon to be sure to understand the essence and effect of the operation.
For small children, in whom the ear cartilage tissues are still elastic, it is possible to correct some defects without resorting to surgical treatment. It is enough to fix the ear in the anatomically correct position for up to one and a half months. As a rule, in 90% of young patients with protruding ears and other problems, the defect goes away after using a particular EarWell device. It is made of plastic and does not cause discomfort or pain to the child. If non-surgical methods did not help, doctors prescribe surgical treatment when the child reaches the age of six.
Operation at Tel Aviv Medical Clinic
The plastic surgeons of the clinic have at their disposal many different methods of performing surgery for lop-earedness, the one that will provide the best result chosen. So, non-incisional otoplasty (without incisions), plastic according to Mustafa (with the formation of antihelix), the combined plastic technique according to Converse, plastic, according to Stenstrom, and so on used.
Modern methods of ear plastics in Israel involve minimally invasive techniques that allow you to perform tiny tissue incisions where they will be almost invisible – in the scalp. The small size of the surgical wound minimizes the risks of infection and blood loss. Such a wound heals much faster.
Before plastic ear surgery performed at Tel Aviv Medical Clinic, the patient sent for a plastic surgeon consultation. He examines the auricles, listens to the wishes of the patient. Diagnostic studies performed, during which it determined whether the patient is allergic to drugs, infections, pathologies that are contraindications to surgical intervention. For example, diseases of the thyroid gland, severe conditions of the cardiovascular system, etc. If there are no contraindications, the day of the operation is appointed.
The operation lasts from half an hour to two hours. Its results can be evaluated when the dressing removed.