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Weizman 14, Tel Aviv, Israel

    Radical Cholecystectomy

    Radical Cholecystectomy

    The main treatment for gallbladder cancer is to surgically remove the cancerous tumour. Thanks to the latest developments and technologies, operations with gallbladder cancer at the Tel Aviv Medical Clinic in Israel are very effective. The high level of quality of care that patients receive. is the result of using the most advanced achievements of medicine.

    Gall bladder cancer is a disease in which tissue is affected by a malignant tumour. The true cause of the disease is not fully known. A radical operation is performed when it is possible to completely remove a pathological neoplasm surgically, such a tumour is called resectable. An inoperable (unresectable) tumour is extremely difficult, and sometimes impossible to remove surgically.

    Usually, gallbladder cancer detected in the early stages is resectable. The stage of development of the disease, the type of pathological formation, and the resectability of the tumour affect the prognosis of pathology and treatment methods. Our doctors are unanimous in their opinion that the operation to remove the gallbladder is the only real chance to cure the disease.

    Carrying out the operation 

    With the surgical method of treatment, according to the indications, complete removal of the gallbladder, (cholecystectomy), resection of a fragment of the liver and bile ducts, removal of regional lymph nodes is performed. The stenting procedure is used for metastatic gallbladder cancer when the installation of a metal stent will ensure the patency of the bile ducts. Bypass surgery is used to restore blood supply by creating a shunt that bypasses the affected vessel.

    An operation to remove the gallbladder is called a cholecystectomy. As a rule, this type of surgery is performed in connection with the presence of stones in the gallbladder. There is the possibility of removing the gallbladder: open and laparoscopic. Surgeons of our department use the minimally invasive method of surgical intervention, which is the safest and most effective for the patient.

    Laparoscopic surgery is performed under general anaesthesia, the patient is unconscious and does not feel pain. In the operated area, several punctures are made through which the video camera and the tools with which the manipulations are performed are introduced. Extraction of the gallbladder with cholecystectomy is performed with great care, to avoid rupture of the bladder (which can lead to peritonitis). At the end of the operation, the instruments are removed from the cavity, the puncture sites are sutured.


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