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  • The Best Clinic
Weizman 14, Tel Aviv, Israel

    Radiation therapy in Israel

    Radiation therapy (radial therapy) is a treatment method using ionizing radiation (X-ray, gamma, beta-, neutron radiation, and beams of elementary particles from a linear accelerator), in practice it is mainly used for treatment of patients with malignant tumors.

    The main radiation therapy action mechanism is to damage DNA of tumor cells under the influence of ionizing radiation, which is why cell simply dies or stops breeding. Ultimately, this leads to destruction of tumor hearth. Unfortunately, radiation acts not only on cancer cells, but also on healthy ones, but the more actively cell division occurs, the more they are affected by radiation. Cancer cells are one of the most active in this regard, so they die faster than serious side effects from the healthy tissues of the body are developing.

    Another important point in modern radiation therapy is the ability to focus ionizing radiation at the tumor growth point, due to which the greatest effect of radiation therapy can be achieved precisely in pathological focus, while the effect on surrounding healthy tissues is minimal. It became possible thanks to modern devices for radiation therapy and introduction of innovative irradiation methods into the practice.

    The main advantages of diagnostics and treatment in Radio Diagnosis Department of TAMC:

    • Active implementation in practical activities of innovative technological developments in the field of medical visualization, robotics, computer technology. The pace of development in radiology is one of the fastest in medicine.
    • Careful planning of treatment before starting. This allows to minimize negative effect on healthy tissues and to increase the effectiveness of therapy in general. Before starting treatment, radiologists, together with medical physicists, develop a 3D model of patient and his tumors (using CT, MRI, MSCT, PET-KKT, PET-MRI), plan the irradiation method, carefully calculate a one-time and course dose of radiation, and set up robotic technologies for accurate implementation of a given program.
    • Department is equipped with the most modern equipment both for diagnostics (CT, MRI, PET-CT and other devices), and for treatment (innovative installations for radiation therapy, the latest models of linear accelerators). All equipment of only verified manufacturers with a world -famous name is certified, safe for use for both medical stuf and patients, complies with all world standards.
    • Widespread application of such radiation therapy method as brachytherapy. This is contact radiation therapy when the source of radioactive radiation is placed inside the tumor. Thus, in pathological focus, the maximum effectiveness of treatment is achieved, while the negative effect on healthy surrounding tissues is minimal.

    Only the best specialists in the field of radiology (both medical visualization and radiation therapy) who have excellent theoretical training, unique practical experience and effective work skills in various clinical situations.



    On the basis of Radio Diagnosis Department, 2 main units are successfully functioning:

    • Department of radiation methods of medical visualization – specialists of this profile are the best diagnosticians. They use modern methods of medical visualization to diagnose oncological and many other diseases – digital radiography and radioscopy, CT, MRI with contrast, MSCT, PET-KK and a unique PET MRI methodology, scintigraphy, angiography and others.

    Radiation department – patients with malignant diseases take place here. Specialists of this profile masterfully own all standard methods of radiation therapy, and also actively practice modern high-tech methods of radiartion treatment of patients with malignant tumors.

    What diseases does Radiation therapy Department treat?

    Diagnostic methods in Radio Diagnosis Department

    In Radio Diagnosis Department of TAMC, patients can get the entire spectrum of necessary X -ray examinations:

    • Digital radiography and radioscopy.
    • Computed tomography with and without contrast.
    • Virtual colonoscopy.
    • Coronary angiogram.
    • Multispiral computed tomography.
    • KT angiography.

    Among other modern methods of medical visualization, it should be mentioned:

    • MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) – tomographic method of medical visualization and examination of internal organs and tissues using physical phenomenon of nuclear magnetic resonance (IAMR), while patient does not receive X-ray load. This method allows us to obtain a layer highly contrast image of body tissues, and therefore it is widely used in medicine, in visualization of brain, heart, muscles, as well as neoplasms compared to other methods of medical visualization (for example, computed tomography or radiography).
    • PET-CT (positron emission tomography) is a method of nuclear medicine, which combines in one study a positron emission tomography scanner and an X-ray computed tomograph to obtain consistent images from both devices in one session that are combined into one applied image. PET scanner determines the foci where the largest amount of radioisotope accumulates, which is pre-injected to patient, and a computer tomograph sets their location. Today it is the most accurate method for diagnosing malignant neoplasms and the presence of their metastases.

    Among innovative developments, which are used for diagnostic purpose in Radio Diagnosis Department of TAMC, it is worthwhile to name a new system that makes it possible to conduct an X-ray examination of the entire body skeleton in just 25 seconds. At the same time, it is possible to significantly reduce radial load on the body, which is very important when examining children. The EOS system is actively used to diagnose diseases of musculoskeletal system, as well as for planning surgical interventions in children’s and adult orthopedics.

    Specialists of Radio Diagnosis Department are available to applicate a unique Philips MRI simulator (the first and one of a kind in Israel). The uniqueness of the device lies in the fact that it allows us to plan radiation therapy based on MRI, not CT. This, firstly, makes it possible to obtain more clear and detailed images of tumors and surrounding tissues, secondly, does not carry a radiation load (during MRI, not x -ray radiation is used, but magnetic resonance effect).

    During the procedure, patient is placed on the table of tomograph in a position that is necessary for irradiation of tumor. Then device converts images of MRI into a computer model, with the help of which the exact irradiation coordinates are calculated, in which ionizing radiation will only fall into the tissue of neoplasm, and at the same time do not effect healthy surrounding tissues.

    Such high-tech tumor labeling helps to modernize radiation therapy program as a whole and is associated with an improvement in the prognosis for patient, a decrease in number of side effects in both the short and long-term perspective. The system has already received approval from the FDA for planning radiation therapy with tumors of brain and pelvic organs.


    Radio Diagnosis Department at Tel Aviv Medical Clinic is an example of a modern radiology medical institution that is engaged in effective diagnostics and treatment of cancer and other diseases.

    On the basis of Radio Diagnosis Department of TAMC, there are 2 main units: a diagnostic unit of medical visualization and a radial therapy clinic.

    Modern treatment methods in radiotherapy

    The TAMC Radio Diagnosis Department is practiced by all modern radiation therapy methods prescribed to patient taking into account his main diagnosis and characteristics of clinical situation.

    Brachitherapy is a modern methodology for contact radiation therapy, when radiation source is placed inside the tumor. This allows us to effect on tumor targetly and eliminate negative effect on healthy surrounding tissues. For brachytherapy, microsphereы with a radioactive element or special applicators can be used.

    An example of such treatment can be brachytherapy for retinoblastoma in children (eye tumor), while special radioactive plaques are placed on sore eye. These are special discs that produce individually for each patient. Treatment takes place in hospital of radiology department. The production and removal of radioactive plaques is a surgical intervention. Discount discs 1-4 days after installation (depending on required radiation dose).

    Radiation therapy with modulated radiation intensity (IMRT) is a method of remote radiation therapy, when radiation is carried out using a special installation of linear accelerator. The method is considered one of the most effective and exact methods of radiation therapy today. At the same time, at preparatory stage, a 3D model of a tumor is created, which during treatment is irradiates by computer. If irradiation area goes beyond the neoplasm, installation’s computer immediately reduces radiation intensity. Thus, the risk of damage to surrounding healthy tissues is minimal, which is associated with almost absence of severe side effects of radiation therapy.

    Radio therapy with visual control (IGRT) makes it possible to monitor movements of human body during treatment session and change the direction of rays. This method is specially designed for treatment of organs that constantly move (for example, heart, lungs). In some cases, special sensors are implanted into organs, which accurately convey the coordinates of their location to computer so that it changes the direction of radiation in real time. Thus, developers managed to achieve the maximum effect at desired point, while significantly reducing the irradiation of a nearby healthy organs and tissues.

    Selective internal radiotherapy (SIRT) is used to treat inoperable liver or metastases in liver with other forms of cancer. Through hepatic artery directly to the location of malignant neoplasm, microspheres that contain isotop of ite-90, which destroy tumor cells, without damaging healthy tissues are brought. This procedure can significantly increase patient’s survival with inoperable forms of liver cancer.

    Stereotactic radiation therapy (SBRT) is one of the most modern methods of remote radiation therapy, which allows to irradiates neoplasms with high doses, without damaging the surrounding tissues and body as a whole. Due to its accuracy and effectiveness, this technique is also called radiosurgery. Unlike classical remote radiation therapy, the SBRT course is only 1-5 procedures. The exact number of repetitions, a one-time and course dose of irradiation, the frequency of treatment is prescribed by a radiologist of TAMC Radio Diagnosis Department .

    Intraoperative radiation therapy (IRT) – irradiation is used in conditions of operating room during surgery. At the same time, ionizing radiation destroys metastases and cancer cells invisible to eye in neighboring tissues. This makes it possible to perform surgery on an organ -preserving principle with a minimum defect in tissues and significantly improve distant prognosis, reducing the frequency of relapse. In TAMC this technique is actively used in treatment of breast cancer in early stages.

    How is radiation therapy occures

    Pre-sum radiation training. The course and sessions of radiation therapy are developed in accordance with patient’s specific needs, his diagnosis and features of situation. Before each course, pre-sum training is carried out: with the help of MRI/CT simulators, affected by malignant process body area is scanned. Irradiation area of the body is marking through special markers.

    If a fixation of body’s part is provided to minimize inaccuracies during irradiation due to movements, a special grid made of thermoplasty will be developed for patient. It anatomically repeating that part of the body and fixing it in the right position. In this case, marking for irradiation is applied to it, not on the skin.

    By contours of affected body and structure of malignant neoplasm radial therapist compose the task of irradiation session to specialists from medical physics, and with the help of linear accelerator computer program, calculates doses and their distribution in process of procedure performing.

    Site of radiation therapy. In most cases, radiation therapy sessions are carried out on an outpatient basis. The duration of one can be different, from 5 to 30 minutes.

    A linear accelerator is a device with which radiotherapy is carried out, outwardly it looks like an MRI or CT device. Radiation therapy is carried out remotely, that is, the device itself does not contact with patient. Treatment is absolutely painless, since radiation cannot be felt during the procedure.

    Patient is laid on the table of a linear accelerator and is fixed to avoid random movements. A medical physics specialist calibrates the device in accordance with irradiation map and the task of the session compiled by a radial therapist. Doctor is not indoors with patient during treatment session. But contact is necessarily maintained through internal communication system, and throughout session medical staff of Radio Diagnosis Department observes the patient.

    Professor Orit Gotfeld

    Specialist in the field of oncology, director of the Institute of Radiation Therapy (Irradiation)

    Professor Eliyahu Ghez

    Head of the Department of Radiology, acting Head of the Department of Oncological Urology

    Doctor Inna Ospovat

    Oncologist, radiologist, head of the pediatric radiology department

    Doctor Rabin Tatyana

    Senior Oncology Specialist, Director of Gynecological Oncology Service

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