• The Best Clinic
  • The Best Clinic
Weizman 14, Tel Aviv, Israel

    Psychiatry in Israel

    Unfortunately, to have a psychiatric diagnosis in today’s world often means to be socially isolated. The topic of psychiatric disorders is highly stigmatized, mainly due to the lack of knowledge among people about such diseases. Despite the active development of psychiatry as a science in recent years, patients with mental disorders are still treated extremely warily and often undeservedly negatively. Meanwhile, pharmacology and medicine today are moving forward by leaps and bounds, which makes it possible to effectively not only to control disease condition, but also completely get rid of it.

    Psychiatry Department of Tel Aviv Medical Clinic employs only the best specialists in the field of modern psychiatry and psychology. Absolutely all doctors have excellent theoretical training and rich, sometimes unique, practical experience in consulting patients with a variety of psychiatric disorders. Specialists are proficient in modern non-drug and drug treatment methods in psychiatry, successfully apply their knowledge in practice and help thousands of patients to get rid of the problem and again feel like a full-fledged member of society.

    Our psychiatrists and clinical psychologists treat all known mental disorders and illnesses (schizophrenia, depression, bipolar affective disorder, autism, fears and phobias, panic attacks, PTSD, obsessive-compulsive disorders, eating disorders, drug, alcohol and other addictions , other).

    The main advantages of treatment in Psychiatry Department of TAMC:

    • Complete confidentiality of personal information, and, if necessary, anonymity.
    • Comfortable conditions in clinic, delicious food from the menu to choose from, caring and friendly medical staff.
    • Only the best and highly qualified psychiatrists and psychologists who master all the necessary therapy methods.
    • In the case of drug treatment, the latest generation of drugs application that are not only highly effective, but also safe.
    • The clinic operates a rehabilitation center for people with addictions (gambling, alcohol, drugs, etc.).

    Individual comprehensive approach to each patient and his problem. If necessary, involve other specialists in treatment process, for example, neurologists, physical therapists, speech therapists, etc.

    Shot of a mature psychologist writing notes during a therapeutic session with her patient


    Psychiatry Department operates several separate centers and clinics, which makes it possible to help patients more effectively:

    • General psychiatry – specialists in this department usually conduct primary diagnosis of people with mental disorders symptoms. If necessary, a further examination plan is made up, on the basis of which a final diagnosis is made and referred to the right specialist.
    • Schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorders treatment clinic – psychiatrists of this profile provide emergency care to patients with exacerbations of such conditions in an inpatient setting, and also monitor the condition and maintenance therapy outside of exacerbations on an outpatient basis.
    • Center for helping people with eating disorders – here patients with anorexia nervosa, bulimia, orthorexia, compulsive overeating disorder, etc. receive all the necessary help.
    • Center for helping patients with PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder).
    • Child psychiatry – doctors in this profile deal with mental disorders in children, including autism treatment.
    • Rehabilitation department – here patients receive the necessary care after head injuries and brain surgeries.
    • Center for helping patients with addiction (alcohol, drugs and medications, gambling, computer games, etc.).
    • Clinic for affective disorders treatment (mood disorders) – patients with clinical depression, bipolar affective disorder, etc. are treated here.
    • Clinic for anxiety disorders and panic attacks correction.
    • Department of Geriatric Psychiatry, including a center for dementia treatment, such as Alzheimer’s disease.
    • Sexual Trauma Treatment Center – provides treatment and rehabilitation for patients who have suffered from sexual violence.

    Лечением каких заболеваний занимается департамент психиатрии?

    Diagnostic methods in psychiatry

    Modern diagnostics of mental disorders is based on the study of patient’s mental status and the use of certain laboratory and instrumental techniques.

    At the first stage, psychiatrist conducts an initial consultation, collects and systematizes patient’s complaints and his relatives, and studies the history of life and illness. During a conversation with patient, doctor identifies the main psychopathological symptoms and syndromes, which subsequently serves to make a diagnosis. Specialist also assesses the mental status of person seeking help using a set of special tests, questionnaires, and scales.

    If it is necessary, at the second stage of diagnosis, psychiatrist prescribes an additional examination:

    • Various blood, urine, and cerebrospinal fluid tests (general clinical, biochemical, immunological, toxicological, hormonal).
    • Genetic studies that can identify certain mutations associated with a given mental disorder (for example, autism).
    • Neurophysiological methods for diagnosing the state of nervous system (EEG, EMG).
    • Modern neuroimaging methods (CT, MRI, PET-CT, scintigraphy, angiography, etc.).
    • Study of neurological and general somatic condition of patient.

    After a comprehensive examination, patient re-consults with a specialist, who studies in detail all data of provided additional tests and forms a final diagnosis, according to which an individual comprehensive treatment plan is selected.


    Psychiatry Department at TAMS is a modern psychiatric clinic that guarantees its patients complete anonymity, as well as an effective treatment program using innovative, and sometimes experimental, therapy methods.

    Modern treatment methods in psychiatry

    The main feature of mental disorders treatment at TAMS, along with standard methods of therapy, is the active application of modern drug and non-drug techniques, as in other areas of Israeli medicine.

    Treating severe depression with a nasal spray. Our specialists prescribe a nasal spray with exketamine “Spravato” to patients with severe forms of depression who are not helped by standard antidepressants and behavioral-cognitive psychotherapy, which is administered in a day hospital 8 times a month. This treatment can achieve significant improvement in 30-40% of patients with severe clinical depression.

    Effective and rapid treatment of postpartum depression with drug “Zulresso”, which is based on synthetic hormone brexanolone. In terms of its function, it is an analogue of hormone allopregnanolone, which decreases in women blood after childbirth and is the cause of postpartum depression development. In order to relieve the patient of depressive disorder, one parenteral administration of the drug is sufficient. The total length of hospitalization is 3-4 days.

    Among the specialists in Psychotherapy Department there are many experienced psychotherapists, so our patients can count on necessary help. Doctors practice only modern and effective methods of psychotherapy: cognitive behavioral psychotherapy, crisis therapy, supportive therapy, dynamic therapy, etc.

    Approximately 64% of TAMS psychiatry patients with depression have overcome their disorder forever with the help of an innovative deep brain stimulation procedure. The method was developed for treatment of patients with epilepsy and movement disorders, but in recent years it has also established itself as an effective treatment for clinical depression resistant to drug therapy and psychotherapy. This is a minimally invasive neurosurgical procedure during which a special stimulating electrode is implanted into the brain.

    A new effective drug for treatment of schizophrenia was approved by FDA in 2019 and is now actively used by psychiatrists in Israel to treat severe forms of schizophrenia – lumateperone. This is a new generation antipsychotic substance that has proven itself in practice and has a small number of side effects.

    Tel Aviv Medical Clinic offers a modern program for treatment of autism in children based on a unique autism center. The main aim of this treatment program is the child’s social adaptation and development of communication skills with other people. To do this, specialists use a combination of individual and group psychotherapy, occupational therapy, work with parents, modern medications, diet therapy, and even experimental stem cell treatment.

    Choosing a medical institution for qualified psychiatric care, it is important to understand that a good clinic is not one where you are given a 100% guarantee of recovery, but one where specialists do their maximum for the patient’s recovery. At TAMS you get not only the best psychiatrists and psychotherapists, but also modern and safe medications, a cozy environment and caring medical staff.

    Doctor Irina Khaitovich

    Psychiatrist, Head of the Clinic for Emotional Behavioral Therapy

    Doctor Mikhail Krasnoshtein

    Specialist in psychiatry, head of the clinic for magnetic brain stimulation and electroconvulsive therapy

    Professor Micky Bloch

    Specialist in women’s psychiatry, head of the department of active psychiatry

    Doctor Gurevich Ilya

    Psychiatrist, senior doctor at the psychotherapeutic center

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