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  • The Best Clinic
  • The Best Clinic
Weizman 14, Tel Aviv, Israel

    Pediatric Radiation Therapy

    Oncology treatment is complex, but it is slightly easier compared to adults – this is due to a faster recovery of the growing body. Researchers are constantly developing new effective drugs to treat blood cancer in children of all ages.

    Medicine continues to develop in the direction of oncological practice, to introduce innovative technologies and progressive methods that make it possible to achieve positive results. Thanks to effective treatment techniques, the experience of Tel Aviv Medical Clinic specialists, we can successfully fight cancer, significantly increasing the survival rate. Not the least role in this is played by the advanced equipment necessary for the use of radiation therapy – one of the leading methods of treating blood cancer.

    Purpose of the procedure

    The method of treatment is determined after a detailed diagnosis, strictly according to the indications. Experts note the following positive aspects of radiation therapy:

    • Radiotherapy helps reduce tumour volume, thus improving surgical performance.
    • Radiation therapy is used in metastases, destroying malignant cells spread throughout the body.
    • Radiation attenuates painful sensations, facilitates the patient’s condition.
    • As an independent type of treatment.

    There is an effective use of radiation therapy in combination with chemotherapy or immunotherapy.

    The essence of the treatment method

    The use of electromagnetic radiation or nuclear elementary particles is detrimental to abnormal cells that are damaged by a directed dose. Healthy cells may fall into the radiation zone, but they can recover. To conduct radiotherapy, Tel Aviv Medical Clinic uses modern, specialized devices, distinguished by the principle of action and the method of bringing the radiation source to the affected area. What method of radiation therapy is suitable for a particular case is decided by highly qualified doctors of the Israeli clinic, based on the expected goal.

    Side events

    The occurrence of a negative reaction is more often observed in the field of radiation. A person may notice redness or peeling of the skin, experience nausea, headache, increased body temperature, various attacks, general malaise or weakness. The occurrence of side effects can be controlled with special drugs and a diet. Often they disappear independently after the end of treatment.


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