• The Best Clinic
  • The Best Clinic
Weizman 14, Tel Aviv, Israel

    Pediatric Pulmonology

    Pediatric Pulmonology

    A child’s immunity is unable to withstand infection as effectively as in adults. Because of it children б. Imperfect work of the immune system also increases the risk of the fast development of dangerous complications: cold can develop into bronchitis or pneumonia. In the pulmonology department of the leading Israeli clinic Tel Aviv Medical Clinic, they treat diseases of the lower respiratory tract: trachea, bronchi, pleura and lungs. We use modern equipment and unique methods of therapy. Doctors of our clinic have great practical experience and knowledge. The rooms in our department are equipped with everything necessary for a comfortable stay of patients. The clinic set tariffs at the state level. Thus, you receive high-quality services for which you pay less. If necessary, our employees will help raise funds for treatment and contact charitable foundations.


    The following signs of disease are a cause for concern:

    • Cough that does not last more than a month;
    • Chest pain or discomfort;
    • Shortness of breath;
    • Green sputum outflow;
    • Persistent protracted colds;
    • Respiratory disorder, suffocation;
    • Swallow voice;
    • In case of smoking abuse;
    • In case of changes in fluorography.

    Diseases that we treat

    It is worth noting that our clinic uses an integrated approach in treatment, which allows you to select the most effective therapy regimen. Our experienced specialists help to cope with the following pathologies:

    • Chronic cough;
    • Pneumonia;
    • Bronchial asthma;
    • COPD;
    • Chronic bronchitis;
    • Pleurisy;
    • Smoking-related diseases;
    • Diffuse lung pathologies;
    • Tuberculosis.

    Unfortunately, most pathologies develop without pain syndrome. Therefore, experts advise undergoing a preventive examination annually.


    Cough treatment in children begins with a general examination of the young patient. The pulmonologist listens to complaints, evaluates the shape of the chest, the colour of the skin, listens to the work of the lungs. If necessary, he prescribes several studies: general urine and blood tests, sputum tests, chest X-rays and others. Based on the results, a therapy scheme is developed.

    After recovery, prevention of colds in children is recommended. It involves strengthening immunity with vitamin complexes, immunomodulators, regular moderate physical activity. It is important to reduce stress levels, eliminate the likelihood of inhalation of toxins or allergens. 


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