Pediatric Chemotherapy
Blood cancer is a disease caused by mutations of bone marrow cells, which causes the displacement of healthy tissues that are necessary for hematopoiesis. It is the lack of these cells that become the basis for the manifestation of many symptoms of the disease, among which the following complications:
- anemia;
- increased likelihood of infections;
- a tendency to haemorrhage;
- cytopenia (reduction of platelets or white blood cells).
To fight blood cancer, a method of treatment is mainly used, such as chemotherapy – treatment with cytostatic drugs.
The peculiarity of chemotherapy
Chemotherapy is a course of medication, designed to destroy malignant cells, prevent their further spread, remove metastases, and reduce the tumor. Various substances are used for chemotherapy, a certain dosage and cyclicity are prescribed. Chemotherapy can be used in complex treatment, or as the only possible option to save the patient’s life. It has several methods with a specific purpose, depending on the localization and type of cancer pathology.
The Israeli clinic Tel Aviv Medical Clinic is equipped with the latest high-tech equipment at which disease diagnosis is carried out, which is mandatory for the appointment of a treatment plan. Experienced doctors of the clinic, based on the results of the examination and guided by an individual approach, will select the most optimal course of chemotherapy. In our clinic, treatment is carried out according to international protocols and only original, certified drugs.
Types of chemotherapy
Our clinic specialists use the following methods of chemotherapy:
- Systemic or adjuvant chemotherapy is performed before surgery or radiotherapy, after neoplasm removal, to kill metastatic foci. Its purpose is based on substances of synthetic or natural origin, hormones, antibiotics.
- Immunotherapy is aimed at exposing the immune system to serum or antibodies.
- Targeted therapy purposefully blocks the growth of malignant cells by triggering the mechanism of action of molecules.
- Induction therapy is designed to induce remission, in non-operable tumors.
- Palliative therapy is not aimed at radical treatment, but to curb the progression of malignant formation.
Most often, chemotherapeutic drugs are administered intravenously or taken orally. The treatment protocol is of great importance. The doctor should take into account not only the expected effectiveness but also the possible harm since all such drugs have a high degree of toxicity.