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  • The Best Clinic
Weizman 14, Tel Aviv, Israel

    Pediatric Brain Tumor Treatment

    Pediatric Brain Tumor Treatment

    The treatment of cancer in children in Israel is aimed at the speedy recovery of children. Uncontrolled division of brain cells (neurons, glial cells, astrocytes and others) leads to the emergence of a brain tumor in children. The Children’s Hemato-Oncology Department at Tel Aviv Medical Clinic has been investigating the latest methods of treating brain tumors in children and adolescents for many years and also divides tumors into several main types.

    About half of brain tumors in children are gliomas or astrocytomas. They are formed from glial cells that make up the auxiliary brain tissue. Gliomas can be benign or malignant and can occur in various regions of the brain and spinal cord. The most common malignant brain tumor in children is medulloblastoma. This type of cancer forms in the cerebellum, in the back of the brain in an area known as the posterior cranial fossa.

    Treatment of the disease

    The effectiveness of surgery depends on the timely diagnosis of the disease, the experience and medical qualification of the surgeon, and the technical capabilities of the clinic. Benign types of tumors tend to be removed completely and the disease has a good prognosis. Skull base and midline tumors can be removed by the endoscopic minimally invasive method through nasal passages. Unfortunately, some types of tumor, due to infiltrative growth or poor location, cannot be completely removed. In this case, the neurosurgeon tries to safely remove as much of the tumor as possible.

    Our clinic offers CT or MRI methods to diagnose this brain tumor in children. Cancer treatment in children in Israel with such a tumor is usually carried out surgically. If it is impossible to completely remove the tumor promptly, doctors prescribe radiotherapy and carefully select the dose of radiation. Also, pediatric oncology in Israel uses a less traumatic method of removing astrocytoma without excision of concomitant cysts and subsequent radiotherapy. When a tumor is detected in infants, doctors use chemotherapy because it is less traumatic for the developing brain.

    The Department of Pediatric Hemato-Oncology of the Clinic offers its potential patients to use the services of the Department of Medical Tourism. In this case, our employees will take on all the difficulties associated with visiting the hospital. Each patient is allocated a separate translator, which allows overcoming the language barrier. Call us and we will tell you how best to arrange a trip and cancer treatment in children in Israel.


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