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    Parotidectomy (parotid tumor surgery): description, types of surgical intervention

    Parotidectomy (parotid tumor surgery): description, types of surgical intervention

    Parotidectomy is called surgery for the resection of the parotid glands. This organ is a salivary gland. Excision carried out in extreme cases in the absence of the effectiveness of alternative methods of treatment. Indications for parotidectomy:

    • The presence of recurrent chronic mumps;
    • Malignant pathological process of the parotid glands;
    • Benign tumor in the parotid glands.

    Neoplasms of the salivary gland do not cause pain, discomfort in patients. Vivid symptoms are characteristic of tumors that degenerate into malignant pathologies. A benign form causes an unaesthetic swelling, asymmetry of the facial oval.

    Parotidectomy is a surgical intervention to excise all tissues of the salivary glands completely. It is carried out with pathological disorders in the deep glandular zones, under the area of ​​the branches of the facial nerves. The specialist’s task is to save the nerves without hitting during the operation.

    Types of parotidectomy

    In medicine, there are three approaches to parotidectomy: 

    • Subtotal approach. Doctors excise a part of the parotid glands. They located above the branches of the facial nerves. In the outer section. Carried out in the presence of benign pathologies. A common type of surgical treatment;
    • Partial resection. It involves resection of the neoplasm. In parallel, the parenchyma excised. The distance from the limits of pathology is at least one centimeter. Recommended for the removal of a benign, small lesion affecting the parotid gland;
    • Total surgical intervention. The doctor removes the inner, outer part of the salivary gland. Useful in the benign form of deep lobes of the parotid glands. Applicable to recurrent pathologies. During parotidectomy, the doctor preserves the branches of the facial nerves, the trunk. A radical technique used in the treatment of several malignant tumor processes.

    Parotidectomy at Tel Aviv Medical Clinic

    The largest Tel Aviv clinic conducts a parotidectomy using unique, high-tech instruments, modern equipment of a new generation. The doctors of the clinic are Israeli advanced specialists with many years of experience. They helped thousands of patients from all over the world get rid of oncological diseases forever, maintain facial expressions, facial mobility.

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