• The Best Clinic
  • The Best Clinic
Weizman 14, Tel Aviv, Israel

    Orthopedic Rehabilitation Department

    The department of orthopaedic rehabilitation of the Israeli clinic Tel Aviv Medical Clinic annually receives 400 inpatients and 7,900 outpatients, providing them with professional medical care at the level of world standards for various orthopaedic problems, taking into account the individual characteristics and needs of each patient.

    The team of the department deals with patients with injuries of various extremities – as a result of amputation, replacement of joints, fractures, burns, pain syndrome, bruises and complex injuries. The main goal of the rehabilitation of such patients is to restore their mobility and independence in everyday life and to teach them how to use orthopaedic devices if they cannot be done without them. Orthopaedic rehabilitation brings the patient back to an active life.

    Why rehabilitation is needed 

    The main task of rehabilitation is: 

    • Elimination of post-traumatic oedema of the extremities;
    • Restoration of motor activity in the joint;
    • Teaching the patient the correct movement and self-care;
    • Recovery of muscle tone.

    The services we provide

    Today, our qualified specialists provide the following types of services: 

    • Care of the lower extremities of patients with diabetes mellitus;
    • Prosthetic services, including fitting;
    • Orthopaedic services;
    • Rehabilitation for chronic pain;
    • Treatment of traumatic injuries;
    • Treatment of congenital diseases;
    • Treatment of former military personnel;
    • Orthopaedic counselling;
    • Treatment of artists.

    Also, the department is constantly researching in various fields. Ongoing projects include research on enzymatic wound treatment methods, determination of isokinetic muscle strength, fitting prostheses using a temporary universal limb prosthesis and measuring pressure between the prosthesis and the stump.

    The department has everything necessary for the effective treatment of patients, including hydrotherapy pools and a complex for training in virtual reality. This unique complex allows training under the supervision of a specialist, contributing to the development of strength, endurance and coordination of movements in completely safe conditions, and is the only one of its kind in the whole world.


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