• The Best Clinic
  • The Best Clinic
Weizman 14, Tel Aviv, Israel

    Maxillofacial surgery - basics, diagnostics, significance

    The medical section of maxillofacial surgery combines dentistry, medicine. The task of this direction is the diagnosis, operative treatment of an inflammatory, purulent process. Jaw-face surgeons work in various areas:

    • Tumors of the salivary gland, perinasal sinus;
    • Congenital, acquired bite defects;
    • Facial bone fractures;
    • Cervical injuries, dental implantology;
    • Orthopedic violations;
    • Reconstructive, cosmetic adjustment;
    • Simulated maxillofacial operations.

    Specialists of the leading Israeli clinic Tel Aviv Medical Clinic for many years of study treat pathological disorders in soft, bone tissues. Together with specialized doctors, experienced surgeons restore teeth, perform dental implantation, cranioplasty of cranial bones affected by defect or trauma.

    Diagnostic methods of maxillofacial surgery

    The range of problems dealt with by this direction of medicine is vast, diverse. A set of research procedures is used to diagnose each disease. The maxillofacial zone undergoes dental radiography, angiography, orthopantomography, and computed tomography. The technique of contrast radiography of fistula moves is particularly useful. It is indispensable in the detection of several diseases.

    Modern equipment allows us to carry out 3Д reconstruction of the jaw, visualize affected areas. New opportunities before doctors are opened by the use of sonographic, endoscopic techniques, magnetic resonance imaging.

    Area of maxillofacial surgery – pathology

    Maxillofacial surgery deals with various pathologies. For this purpose, doctors perform the most complex operations, carry out complex treatment using several methods of patient recovery:

    • Dental implantation;
    • Correction of a bite;
    • Reconstruction of facial cranial bones;
    • Restoration of temporal, inferior joints;
    • Stopping the inflammatory, purulent process;
    • Resection of neoplasms of the salivary gland, soft tissue;
    • Bone repair after fracture;
    • Cranioplasty with titanium plates.

    For most operations, specialized specialists are involved: dentists, neurosurgeons, oncologists. This allows guaranteeing maximum efficiency, the safety of manipulations.

    Maxillofacial surgery at Tel Aviv Medical Clinic

    Israel ‘s leading clinic is fully equipped with high-tech, expensive equipment, which is available in only a few medical centers around the world. Thanks to the high level of professionalism, work experience, state-of-the-art equipment, doctors of Tel Aviv Medical Clinic perform the most sophisticated recovery procedures at the highest level.

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