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  • The Best Clinic
Weizman 14, Tel Aviv, Israel

    Ophthalmology in Israel

    Vision is one of the most important human senses, since thanks to visual analyzer we perceive up to 90% of information about the world around us. To lose the ability to see is to lose the whole world. It is very important to take care of your eye health, monitor your vision and undergo regular examinations by an ophthalmologist.

    Ophthalmology Department at Tel Aviv Medical Center has modern equipment to diagnose and treat a variety of visual disorders in both adults and children.

    Thanks to constant improvement of methods for treating common eye diseases in Israel, the number of acquired cases of blindness has almost halved in the last decade. Modern operating rooms, equipped with powerful microscopes and the latest generation microsurgical equipment, make it possible to perform even the most complex surgeries for retinal diseases successfully.

    Woman Doing Eye Test With Optometrist in Medical Office


    Several highly specialized units (clinics) operate on the basis of TAMC Ophthalmology Department:

    • Glaucoma Research and Treatment Clinic – patients with glaucoma receive effective care here, regardless of severity and type of disease.
    • Clinic for pathology of retina and vitreous body – specialists in this profile provide all the necessary medical care to patients with pathologies, injuries, congenital defects in the development of retina and vitreous body.
    • Cataract treatment department – ophthalmologists in this field have an excellent command of all cataracts treating methods, both congenital and acquired.
    • The Children’s Ophthalmology Department deals with all vision problems that arise in childhood.
    • Clinic for strabismus treatment – doctors in this field successfully use conservative, instrumental and surgical methods of treating strabismus in adults and children.
    • Diagnostic department – here there are all examining methods of visual analyzer available today (optometry, ultrasound, MRI of eyeball, etc.).
    • Department of laser vision correction – only modern and safe methods of refractive errors laser treatment – myopia, hypermetropia, astigmatism.
    • General ophthalmology – specialists of this branch perform an initial examination of patient, make up a diagnostic and treatment plan, and also prescribe conservative treatment for patients with common eye diseases (blepharitis, conjunctivitis, keratitis, etc.), and select glasses and contact lenses.
    • Onco-ophthalmology – doctors of this profile treat benign and malignant neoplasms of visual apparatus (eye melanoma, retinoblastoma in children, eye metastatic lesions, retinal glioma, tumors of eye mucous membranes (conjunctiva), orbital osteomas, orbital neurofibromas, eye lymphomas, optic nerve gliomas, other).

    What diseases does Ophthalmology Department treat?

    Diagnostic methods in ophthalmology

    The success of any treatment depends on accurate diagnostics. Ophthalmology Department of TAMC is equipped with the most accurate and modern diagnostic equipment, so diagnosis is established with 100% accuracy and in the shortest possible time.

    Diagnostics of eye diseases at TAMC is carried out by an ophthalmologist in a specially equipped ophthalmology office.

    A standard examination by an ophthalmologist includes the following procedures:

    • Visiometry – determination of visual acuity. Decreased visual acuity is an important symptom for diagnosing eye diseases.
    • Tonometry – measurement of intraocular pressure. Can be produced in several ways. A modern option is pneumotonometry.
    • Refractometry – determination of refraction (optical power of eye). In our department, this study is carried out using computerized automatic refractometers, which significantly increases the accuracy and diagnostic value of method. Using refractometry, an ophthalmologist diagnoses refractive errors – myopia, hypermetropia and astigmatism.
    • Study of color vision using special tables that doctor shows to patient on a tablet. With the help of such an examination, it is possible to diagnose color blindness in a patient and determine its form.
    • Perimetry – determination of a person’s peripheral vision. In our department, the procedure is carried out on special computers, which significantly increase technique accuracy. Using perimetry, it is possible to diagnose the initial stages of some eye disorders, for example, retinal diseases, glaucoma, and damage to the optic nerve.
    • Biomicroscopy is a method of studying the transparent structures of eyeball using a special microscope (slit lamp). With the help of biomicroscopy, doctor can clearly see under magnification the individual structures of eye – conjunctiva, cornea, lens, vitreous body, etc.

    Ophthalmoscopy is an examination of eye fundus. This is a very important examination that allows us to assess the condition of the retina, eye vessels and optic nerve head. An examination is carried out using a special device – an ophthalmoscope or a certain magnifying lens (direct and indirect ophthalmoscopy).


    Every year, thousands of patients, including foreign citizens from all over the world, receive highly qualified care in our department.

    The reason for Israeli ophthalmology popularity is obvious – application only modern technologies and equipment, active introduction into practice of innovative treatment methods and diagnostics of eye diseases, and highly professional world-famous ophthalmologists.

    As a rule, this set of ophthalmological studies is sufficient to make the most common diagnoses in ophthalmology, but often the diagnostic program must be supplemented with other specific and modern diagnostic methods:

    • Ultrasound of eyeball is a simple, informative, painless method for assessing the condition of eye. It is used to determine retina pathology, neoplasms of eye and orbit, and presence of foreign bodies.
    • Electrophysiological study – allows us to assess the condition of retina, optic nerve and visual zone of cerebral cortex and determine in which part of visual analyzer there is a problem.
    • Keratotopography – study of cornea surface condition. The study is mandatory before all vision correction procedures.
    • Optical coherence tomography – used to assess the condition of retina and optic nerve.
    • CT, PET-CT, MRI, MSCT of head – most often used for oncological diseases of visual analyzer to determine the type of process, its stage and distribution. 

    Using a special RetCam camera, photographic recording of changes in fundus is made. This is especially relevant for the field of oncology ophthalmology. Based on examination, doctor makes drawings of fundus, which schematically depicts the detected tumor. These drawings, together with RetCam photo, are a starting point and are subsequently used to control treatment.

    A biopsy for suspected intraocular malignant tumors is not performed, as this procedure can promote the spread of malignant cells and metastases development, which worsens the prognosis. For epibulbar tumors (on the surface of eye, on eyelids), a biopsy is permitted and allows an accurate diagnosis. All materials after biopsy are sent for revision to the best pathohistological laboratories in Israel. Thanks to such “molecular tests”, we are confident in correctness of diagnosis and further treatment tactics.

    Innovative molecular genetic tests are also available to our patients after a biopsy. This is an essential part of modern cancer diagnosis. Thanks to molecular genetic diagnostics, we can select the most effective treatment regimens, because the response to action of certain drugs depends on the type of malignant changes. An example of such modern diagnostics is Foundation One and Caris Molecular Testing – test systems for molecular genetic testing.

    Based on obtained data, oncologist, together with ophthalmologist, makes an accurate diagnosis indicating the stage of malignant process and forms a treatment regimen according to individual characteristics of patient and modern clinical recommendations.

    The required set of examinations is selected individually for each patient by attending physician. All diagnostic methods are available in Ophthalmology Department of TAMC; the duration of diagnostic stage is only 1-2 days.

    Modern treatment methods in ophthalmology

    Today ophthalmology in Israel has reached a very high level of development. All modern technologies are available in ophthalmology department of TAMC, and experienced specialists have all the necessary skills for a treatment program of any degree of complexity.

    Benefits of treating visual impairments at Tel Aviv Medical Center Ophthalmology Department:

    • we employ the best world-famous doctors in Israel;
    • department is equipped in accordance with all existing standards, ophthalmologists use only modern expert-class medical equipment;
    • patient care is provided by an experienced and friendly team of medical staff of clinic;
    • TAMC patients can independently choose their attending physician;
    • clinic operates a system of staged payment for treatment. 

    Laser vision correction applying the LASIK method is a modern method of performing laser vision correction for refractive errors. TAMC Ophthalmology Department uses only modern and safe methods of laser vision correction. Femto LASIK uses a femtosecond laser, while ThinFlap LASIK uses an excimer laser and microkeratome. Super LASIK technique involves the use of personal data of each patient, while laser vision correction is performed more individually. This allows for higher visual acuity in final result.

    Laser treatment of retinal dystrophy. This is a highly effective treatment for retinal diseases; improvement after the procedure is observed in 70% of patients. An argon laser is used to perform the treatment procedure. Using this procedure, which lasts no more than 4 minutes, it is possible to reliably fix retina during its detachment and prevent further progression of the disease.

    Laser trabeculoplasty – this minimally invasive surgical procedure is used to treat glaucoma. The purpose of intervention is to improve the outflow of intraocular fluid from anterior chamber of eye and reduce intraocular pressure. After the procedure, a lasting effect is achieved in more than 90% of patients with glaucoma.

    Laser capsulotomy – this microsurgical intervention is used to treat cataracts. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis, meaning hospitalization is not required, and allows for an almost 100% positive result.

    Installation of trifocal lenses for cataracts is the most modern method of replacing the lens. Trifocal intraocular lenses allow you to live without glasses completely after lens replacement surgery. 98% of patients who receive trifocal lenses are more than satisfied with the results of surgery. Such lenses are made specifically for each patient individually, unlike conventional monofocal ones.


    Treatment of eye cancer is always a combination of two, three, or even more techniques. As a rule, treatment regimen includes surgical removal of tumor in combination with chemotherapy and radiation therapy. In some cases, certain innovative treatment methods are added to treatment program (targeted drugs, immunobiological drugs, etc.).

    An example of modern eye malignant tumors treatment is chemotherapy of ophthalmic artery. This is a complex procedure that requires modern equipment and is performed by an interventional radiologist. Doctor inserts a catheter into a peripheral vessel (usually the femoral artery in leg), which is led up to ophthalmic artery. Next, a dose of chemotherapy is injected through this catheter directly into ophthalmic artery, which immediately reaches tumor and acts in desired area. Thus, there are no unwanted side effects as with systemic chemotherapy.

    In recent years, cosmetic implantation has also reached a high level of development in Israel. TAMC ophthalmologists offer patients who have lost an eye to replace it with an implant with an ideal appearance, which will be no different from a healthy eye. For patients who managed to save an eye, for example, after an injury, but it looks unattractive, we offer scalar lenses, which will also allow the injured eyeball to look natural and even attractive.

    The ophthalmology department of Tel Aviv Medical Center employs a professional team of specialists who have extensive clinical experience, unique practical skills and theoretical knowledge. Our doctors are aguarantors of providing effective and modern medical care, which will return the ability to fully see the world to every patient.

    Professor Fabian Ido Didi

    Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Medicine. Sackler Tel Aviv University

    Professor Igal Leibovich

    World-renowned ophthalmologist, highly professional specialist in oculoplastic surgery

    Professor Anat Levinshtein

    Head of the Ophthalmology Department of the Medical Center

    Doctor Alia Levinger

    Specialist in ophthalmology and diseases of the cornea and external eyes

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