• The Best Clinic
  • The Best Clinic
Weizman 14, Tel Aviv, Israel

    Office of ophthalmology

    Eyes are one of the most critical and vulnerable organs in the human body. If any eye pathology occurs and it is not treated, there is a high probability that the disease will actively develop because of which vision will deteriorate. In the most severe cases, it can be lost at all. To avoid this, it is necessary to seek the assistance of an ophthalmologist promptly, who will carry out diagnostics and prescribe treatment.

    When to seek help

    An ophthalmologist should be approached when one or more of these symptoms occur:

    • Pain and discomfort in the eyes;
    • Prolonged and severe itching;
    • Increased sensitivity to light;
    • Dry eyes and redness;
    • Narrowing the field of view;
    • Double in the eyes;
    • Flies, veil or stains in front of the eyes;
    • Inability to raise eyelids;
    • Eye or eyeball injuries;
    • Pupil of different sizes.

    The most common eye diseases are farsightedness, myopia, glaucoma, cataract, dry eye syndrome.

    Most often, pathologies develop as a result of age changes in the body, due to injuries, frequent presence in front of the computer monitor, due to inflammatory processes.

    When to contact an ophthalmologist for preventive purposes

    • Diabetes mellitus type two;
    • Persons over 45 years of age need to visit an ophthalmologist at least 1 time a year;
    • Periodic surveys are recommended to anyone whose activities are in one way or another associated with increased visual loads;
    • Myopia and farsightedness of moderate severity;
    • If a person is at risk for visual impairment.

    Primary methods of ophthalmological research

    • Tonometriya;
    • Visiometry;
    • Ultrasonic ekhobiometriya;
    • Biomicroscopy of the anterior segment of the eye and vitreous body;
    • Perimetry;
    • Eye bottom ophthalmoscopy.

    To obtain more information about the condition of the eyes, special diagnostic examinations may be prescribed by the doctor. Such studies include spectral optical coherent tomography, infrared and shortwave autofluorescence, fluorescein angiography. Unique diagnostic methods allow assessing in detail structural and functional changes of the visual organ.

    Department of Ophthalmology at Tel Aviv Medical Clinic

    The Israeli Tel Aviv Medical Clinic operates one of the best ophthalmology departments in the country. We use modern methods of diagnostics and innovative ways of treatment of eye diseases. The clinic employs experienced and highly qualified ophthalmologists and uses the latest equipment.

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