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  • The Best Clinic
Weizman 14, Tel Aviv, Israel

    Neuroblastoma Diagnosis: overview

    Neuroblastoma is the most common cancer in children. Nearly 90% of neuroblastomas occur in children under five years of age. Most neuroblastomas arise spontaneously, but 1-2% are inherited. 

    Neuroblastomas can localize in the abdominal cavity (about 65%), chest (15-20%), neck, pelvis, or other places. Neuroblastoma is extremely rare as a primary tumor of the central nervous system.

    Most neuroblastomas produce catecholamines and can diagnose with increased content of catecholamine breakdown products in the urine. Neuroblastomas usually does not cause severe hypertension because these tumors often do not secrete adrenaline.

    From 40 to 50% of children who have locally advanced disease at the time of diagnosis, 50-60% have metastases at diagnosis. Neuroblastoma can metastasize to the bone marrow, bones, liver, lymph nodes, or, less commonly, the skin or brain. Bone marrow metastases can lead to anemia or thrombocytopenia.

    Various types of procedures and studies used to diagnose neuroblastoma. These include:

    1. Study medical history and physical examination to obtain information about symptoms, general health, past illnesses, family history, and other risk factors. 

    2. Laboratory tests for the study of substances in the blood and urine. These include a CBC and an assessment of kidney and liver function.

    3. A neurological examination assesses various aspects of brain and nervous system functions, including memory, vision, hearing, muscle strength, balance, coordination, and reflexes. 4. Methods of diagnostic imaging for finding tumors and determining the tactics of further diagnosis and treatment.

    • Radiography. 
    • ultrasound. 
    • CT scan. 
    • Magnetic resonance imaging. 
    • Whole-body imaging, including bone scintigraphy, PET, or MIBG scanning, is used to look for lesions in other body areas. 
    • Puncture and bone marrow biopsy. 
    • Often, a biopsy of the tumor is required to make a correct diagnosis.

    The leading medical center Tel Aviv Medical Clinic, is studying the problem of neuroblastoma in children. Experts carry out high-precision diagnostics using innovative new generation equipment. Based on the research results, a therapeutic program formed. During the treatment, medical experts use the latest, high-tech equipment.

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