• The Best Clinic
  • The Best Clinic
Weizman 14, Tel Aviv, Israel

    Neuroblastoma in children

    Neuroblastoma in children

    Neuroblastoma – is a malignant tumor of the nervous system, which is characterized by the defeat of the sympathetic department, which regulates the work of all internal organs. The neoplasm proliferates and gives metastases to neighboring organs and tissues. As a rule, pathology in the adrenal glands initially develops but can occur in any part of the body. The doctor who discovered the disease proceeds to its immediate treatment. In some cases, the formation converted to ganglioneuroma.

    Pediatric doctor of Tel Aviv Medical Clinic has been treating pathologies in children for more than 10 years. With the latest equipment, you can detect a tumor at the initial stage. We use innovative methods of therapy that are most effective and safe for the child.

    Every year, specialists in our clinic improve their skills and know-how to find an approach to a child. We set prices at the state level. This allowed us to make our services more accessible to the public. Our nurses surround small patients the clock with care and control. We provide comfortable rooms for a joint stay of mom and baby.

    How is the disease manifested?

    The symptomatology of the disease depends on the location of the affected focus. parents of the child may notice the manifestation of the following symptoms:

    • Abdominal pain;
    • The presence of a dense formation;
    • Cough;
    • Difficulty swallowing;
    • Chest deformity;
    • Numbness of the legs;
    • Partial paralysis of the limbs;
    • temperature increase;
    • Cardiopalmus;
    • Decreased appetite and weight;
    • General malaise;
    • The presence of edema;
    • Pain in bones and joints;
    • The pallor of the skin;
    • Enlarged lymph nodes;
    • Blue skin tone.

    The doctor will conduct a comprehensive examination of the body to make the correct diagnosis and select an individual therapy regimen.

    Diagnosis and treatment of the disease at Tel Aviv Medical Clinic

    To prescribe the correct treatment, the doctor conducts a diagnosis, which includes: 

    • Inspection;
    • Blood test;
    • Genetic testing;
    • CT or MRI;
    • Biopsy and others.

    Based on the data obtained, a specialist develops therapy. Our staff helps contact charities to raise funds for treatment. As therapeutic methods, specialists use: 

    • Surgical operation;
    • Chemotherapy;
    • Stem cell transplantation;
    • Immunotherapy;
    • Radiation exposure;
    • Targeted therapy.

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