• The Best Clinic
  • The Best Clinic
Weizman 14, Tel Aviv, Israel

    Molecular Tumor Analysis

    Molecular Tumor Analysis

    Today, molecular genetic markers are routinely used in clinical practice at all stages of oncological care – in prevention, early and differential diagnosis, as well as in the treatment of patients suffering from malignancies. The most significant are two areas of clinically applied research – diagnosis of inherited cancer syndromes and individual selection of drugs based on the molecular characteristics of the tumor.

    Hereditary tumor syndromes are a group of diseases whose manifestation consists in the transmission from generation to generation of an almost fatal predisposition to a kind of cancer. They make up a small proportion of the total number of neoplasms (about 1%), although, for individual localizations (mammary gland, ovary, colon), their specific contribution reaches higher rates (5-20%).

    The cause of such diseases is the wearing of an inherited “cancer” mutation. Individuals with such genetic damage remain practically healthy until a certain moment, but they have a fatally increased risk of neoplasms – the penetrance of the corresponding mutations is usually 85-100%.

    Use of drugs that affect the appearance of inherited brain tumors in children

    Real professionals work in the leading Israeli clinic Tel Aviv Medical Clinic. Our specialists manage to cure patients who were recognized as terminally ill in other clinics of the CIS countries. Thanks to the modern equipment of our department, it is possible to detect the pathology at the initial stage and successfully cure it. Our medical staff has undergone special training and knows how to establish contact with children. We take a comprehensive approach to treatment, and our patients can get advice from related physicians. The clinic rooms are cozy, spacious and comfortable for the stay of mother and baby. Our staff will help raise funds for treatment, if necessary.

    The use of new antitumor drugs that point at the molecular mechanisms underlying the emergence and development of the tumor requires the mandatory identification of genetic disorders that determine the effectiveness of drug therapy – the creation of a kind of molecular portrait.


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