• The Best Clinic
  • The Best Clinic
Weizman 14, Tel Aviv, Israel

    Lymphoma Diagnosis

    Lymphomas are a type of cancer that affects the lymphatic system. Non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas include all lymphomas except Hodgkin’s lymphoma. This group of diseases is very heterogeneous and includes very different like the course, in its structure and characteristics.

    Experts believe that lymphoma occurs when healthy lymph cells stop their development at different stages for various reasons. They form tumor cells of various types of lymphomas. Lymphomas arising from T- and B-lines of lymphocytes, as well as from cells of different degrees of differentiation, have a unique set of antigens (immunophenotype). Determination of the immunophenotype, along with the determination of morphological characteristics, is widely used in diagnostics. This procedure is carried out using a panel of diagnostic monoclonal antibodies.

    Symptoms of the disease

    With lymphoma, painless enlargement of lymph nodes is observed – most often cervical and supraclavicular, lymph nodes of the chest cavity (mediastinal region), sometimes axillary, inguinal and abdominal lymph nodes. Night sweats, fever, and weight loss are important symptoms. Other possible symptoms include fatigue, enlarged liver and / or spleen, back pain, and itchy skin. Due to the enlarged lymph nodes of the chest cavity, breathing difficulties, coughing may occur. As the tumor process develops, the patient’s well-being worsens. Jaundice may occur in the later stages of the disease.

    Diagnosis of pathology

    The Israeli clinic Tel Aviv Medical Clinic employs experienced specialists who have been engaged in the detection and treatment of blood diseases for more than 10 years. Our specialists have vast practical experience and knowledge. We use modern equipment and unique therapy methods. The wards of our department are equipped with everything necessary for a comfortable stay of patients. It should be noted that the clinic has established tariffs at the state level. Thus, you get quality services for which you pay less. If necessary, our staff will help you contact charitable foundations to raise funds for treatment.

    To make the correct diagnosis, the doctor conducts the following examination: 

    • Examination and collection of anamnesis of the disease; 
    • Ultrasound; 
    • MRI; 
    • Biopsy; 
    • Scintigraphy; 
    • Analysis of blood and urine; 
    • PET and others.

    Based on the data obtained, the doctor will develop an individual therapy regimen, taking into account the general condition of the patient and the presence of concomitant diseases.


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