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  • The Best Clinic
Weizman 14, Tel Aviv, Israel

    Live kidney transplantation

    Live kidney transplantation

    The kidney refers to the paired organ, which is located on the posterior wall of the abdominal cavity. The main function of the body is to regulate the fluid in the body and maintain its balance. They are responsible for removing toxins from the body and regulate blood pressure, produce hormones and affect blood formation. Sometimes, a situation arises when a person needs a kidney transplant.

    The leading Israeli clinic Tel Aviv Medical Clinic has a real team of professionals with extensive knowledge and skills in identifying and treating dangerous pathologies. Our medical staff annually undergo special training. The wards of the department are equipped with everything necessary for the speedy recovery of patients. The main tasks of the department are to provide specialized care to patients on the waiting list for transplantation of the liver, kidney, pancreas, intestines; transplantation of a liver, kidney, pancreas, intestine; treatment of patients after organ transplants. The clinic has established rates at the level of state hospitals. Thus, you get high-quality services at affordable prices. Our staff will help contact charities to raise funds for treatment.


    When a patient has a malfunction of both kidneys, acute renal failure develops. This condition is extremely dangerous and can lead to death. Specialists identify the following reasons for the development of pathology:

    • Significant loss of blood;
    • Dehydration;
    • Earlier injuries;
    • Accident;
    • Severe burns;
    • Poisoning;
    • Infections;
    • Polycystic;
    • The presence of autoimmune diseases;
    • Diabetes and others.

    In our clinic, a seriously ill patient is offered hemodialysis or a transplant. Transplantation can be done from a related donor with their compatibility and agreement.


    Implantation of an organ from a living donor is possible when a healthy person is ready to donate an organ in favour of a patient who needs such an organ to save his life or improve its quality. A kidney taken from a living donor remains in its “natural” state, unlike a kidney taken from an inanimate donor stored on ice. As a result of this, the patient’s chances of survival are greatly increased. The doctor injects the patient with anaesthesia and makes an incision in the lower abdominal part, after which he makes an organ transplant from the donor. Then, for some time, the patient is in the hospital under the close supervision of doctors.


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