• The Best Clinic
  • The Best Clinic
Weizman 14, Tel Aviv, Israel

    Left ventricular reconstruction (the Dor procedure)

    Left ventricular reconstruction (the Dor procedure)

    Recently, the number of people with congenital heart disease has been increasing. A person may not suspect a pathology for a long time. A doctor at a routine examination may suspect the presence of a disease and direct him to a diagnostic examination of the patient. The leading Israeli clinic Tel Aviv Medical Clinic has a team of professionals with vast practical experience and knowledge.

    The medical staff of our clinic annually undergo special training in leading European and American institutions. Our employees try to create the most comfortable conditions for the patient to stay at all stages of therapy. We have prices at the level of state hospitals. In a specialized support centre, you can get professional psychological help and undergo a rehabilitation course. The clinic works closely with charitable foundations and will help raise funds for treatment.

    When to visit a doctor 

    You may notice the following signs of the disease: 

    • Increased fatigue;
    • Pallor or cyanosis of the skin;
    • Dizziness;
    • Violation of the heart rhythm;
    • Shortness of breath;
    • Cough;
    • Increased fatigue;
    • Neurological disorders.

    A qualified doctor, based on the examination, makes a decision on the surgical intervention. Our clinic is equipped with the latest, specialized equipment, which allows us to use unique, effective methods of treatment. Experienced doctors of the highest category will select an individual treatment regimen.

    The Dor procedure

    The procedure involves the removal of non-contracting sections of the heart muscle with the reconstruction of the cavity of the left ventricle. The technique involves the formation of a physiological cavity of the left ventricle of a round or oval shape, which allows you to most effectively overcome the consequences of the so-called process of remodelling of the left ventricular myocardium. With large volumes of the affected myocardium, an adequate volume of the left ventricular cavity is achieved by the support function of the implantable synthetic patch, and if it is impossible to remove the myocardial wall, by the formation of multilayer folded structures from their own tissues. 

    The disadvantage of the Dor procedure is that the doctor places a synthetic tissue inside the cavity of the left ventricle. After the operation, the patient is in the clinic for 8 days. Doctors observe his condition. If necessary, they can adjust the further treatment regimen.

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