Laparoscopy cholecystectomy - indications, diagnosis, benefits
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is an ultramodern surgical technique. It used in the treatment of acute, chronic pathologies in the gallbladder. The procedure relates to gentle surgical procedures, performed based on high-tech equipment. Specialists monitor each action using video surveillance. The anterior abdominal wall is punctured in several places to obtain a complete image.
The purpose of the operation is to resect the damaged organ. Rehabilitation after the minimally invasive intervention takes a little time. The patient’s stones stop appearing, overall health improves.
When do laparoscopy cholecystectomy
The operation is necessary to treat the number of diseases:
- Acute, chronic stoneless cholecystitis;
- Gallstone disease;
- Severe, chronic calculous cholecystitis;
- Blockage of the bile duct, accompanied by inflammation;
- Polyposis in the gallbladder;
- Deposits of crystalline cholesterol particles in the walls of an organ.
When to see a doctor: symptoms
The above diseases distinguished by specific symptoms, the basis of which it is necessary to consult a specialist, undergo a diagnosis.
- Cutting, aching pain in the right hypochondrium;
- Temperature rise;
- Pain in her, right shoulder, shoulder blade;
- The appearance of bitterness in the mouth, metallic taste;
- Pain, discomfort when eating fried, greasy, smoked foods;
- The manifestation of diarrhea, flatulence;
- Periodic nausea accompanied by vomiting.
Gallbladder Diagnosis
At the initial stage, the patient will be sent to three main procedures:
- Ultrasound of the peritoneum. Allows to detect stones, polyps;
- Electrocardiogram;
- Lab tests.
Based on the results, additional examinations are possible to make an accurate diagnosis. If a disease is detected, the patients sent for laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
Benefits of Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
The modern procedure has won the attention of the best specialists around the world. Its main advantages include:
- Minimal manifestations of pain after the process;
- Recovery period – no more than a day;
- No risk of postoperative hernia;
- Optical zoom for maximum accuracy during the procedure.
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy at Tel Aviv Medical Clinic
Leading Israeli specialists have been dealing with gallbladder diseases for ten years at Tel Aviv Medical Clinic. They take part in international research, conferences, symposia, master innovative techniques. Thanks to high-class, expensive equipment, doctors manage to achieve tremendous results. Progressive technologies allow the highest quality, effective operation.