• The Best Clinic
  • The Best Clinic
Weizman 14, Tel Aviv, Israel

    Head and neck surgery in Israel

    The Head and Neck Surgery Center is the real pride of Tel Aviv Medical Clinic. This is a specialized center for diagnostics and treatment of diseases, injuries, and congenital defects of head and neck. On the basis of this department there is an entire multidisciplinary team of specialists, which includes oncologists, ENT doctors, endocrinologists, general surgeons, neurosurgeons, radiologists, maxillofacial and plastic surgeons, and ophthalmologists.

    The Head and Neck Surgery Center employs world-famous specialists from various departments of TAMC. Every day, together they perform complex surgical interventions on delicate anatomical structures of head and neck: they remove benign and malignant tumors, perform reconstructive interventions on facial part and base of skull, cervical spine, provide assistance with tumors of pituitary gland, orbit, paranasal sinuses, and pharynx and larynx, thyroid gland.

    The center has a unique and rich technical base: for our patients, we have equipped the department with only modern diagnostic and treatment equipment. All necessary manipulations, procedures and surgeries can be done in one place, which encourages patients to complete all stages of a comprehensive examination and treatment program, and accordingly increases the percentage of successful cases in our department.

    The specialists of TAMC Head and Neck Surgery are each highly qualified in their field of medicine, conduct active research and academic activities, regularly get acquainted with the latest advances in medicine and immediately implement them into practice for the benefit of their patients.

    Modern equipment in operating room. Medical devices for neurosurgery. Background

    Practice directions of Head and Neck Surgery Center At Tel Aviv Medical Clinic

    At Head and Neck Surgery Center, we provide comprehensive care to patients with following problems:

    • benign and malignant neoplasms of nasopharynx, oropharynx, hypopharynx, oral cavity, nasal cavity and larynx;
    • benign and malignant tumors of head and neck soft tissues (fibromas, neuromas, sarcomas, lipomas);
    • benign and malignant malformations of thyroid gland (medullary, follicular, papillary thyroid cancer, nodular goiter, thyroid cysts);
    • benign and malignant malformations of parathyroid glands (adenoma, adenosarcoma);
    • tumors (benign and malignant) of salivary glands;
    • malformations of vocal cords, including malignant ones;
    • tumors of skull base (acoustic neuroma, hemangioma, meningioma, neurofibroma, fibroma, chondroma, carcinoma, lymphoma, osteoblastoma, chondromysarcoma, etc.);
    • pituitary tumors (pituitary adenomas);
    • head and neck injuries, their consequences (for example, scar deformation after severe burns);
    • ear diseases, including installation of cochlear implants for hearing loss;
    • obstructive sleep apnea syndrome;
    • functional and cosmetic problems with nose;
    • speech pathology;
    • violation of swallowing process;
    • emergency and planned tracheostomy in children;
    • diseases, injuries, developmental anomalies of eye orbit. 

    The head and neck area contains a large number of vital organs and delicate anatomical structures, so successful treatment of tumors requires the efforts of different specialists. TAMC doctors have significant experience in managing patients with such diseases. For effective treatment and subsequent successful rehabilitation, our patients receive synchronous action from a multidisciplinary team of specialists who work in our Head and Neck Surgery Department.

    What diseases does Head and neck surgery in Israel Department treat?

    Diagnostic methods at head and neck surgery center

    Any diagnostic process begins with collection of patient complaints, life history and illness data, examination and objective examination. Based on received information, specialist establishes a preliminary diagnosis (often there are several of them), prescribes a set of additional laboratory and instrumental examinations to clarify process and conduct differential diagnostics.

    If a malignant nature of the disease or specific lesions of head and neck structures (for example, tuberculosis of cervical lymph node) is suspected, a biopsy is performed. Resulting histological material is necessarily sent to the best pathohistological laboratories in Israel for revision. Thanks to such checks, we are confident in diagnosis correctness and adequacy of prescribed treatment.

    Very often, malformations in neck and head area, especially those of an oncological or congenital nature, require detailed medical imaging. For this, endoscopy, ultrasound, digital radiography, CT, MRI with or without contrast, PET-CT, PET-MRI are used.

    Molecular diagnostics (molecular genetic studies) are an integral component of modern cancer diagnostics. Direct cause of many tumors is a mutation in a certain gene, due to which it begins to function incorrectly, and a cell with such mutation acquires signs of malignancy and ability to uncontrolled reproduction and growth.

    Thanks to molecular genetic diagnostics, we can find these mutations and select the most effective treatment regimens, because the type of mutation determines response to certain drugs action. An example of such modern diagnostics is Foundation One and Caris Molecular Testing – systems for molecular genetic testing. At our clinic all patients have the opportunity to perform these modern diagnostic tests.


    Examination and treatment plan for the most severe clinical cases is discussed at medical councils by a whole team of doctors and only then approved.

    Sometimes specialists may seek a “second opinion” from their colleagues from other well-known medical centers in Israel.

    Modern treatment methods at Head and Neck Surgery Center

    Surgical intervention is the basis for treatment of all congenital malformations in neck and head, as well as many acquired ones, including malignant ones. Our surgeons have extensive experience in providing all types of surgeries. This allows us to perform interventions of any complexity level. We even provide surgeries on patients who were denied a similar operation in other medical institutions due to lack of experience among surgeons or lack of specific treatment and diagnostic equipment.

    An example of modern minimally invasive surgical procedure with excellent cosmetic results is removal of thyroid gland without a single incision on skin through surgical access in mouth (transoral approach). The classic version of a thyroidectomy is an incision in neck, after which patient is left with a fairly noticeable scar in a visible place. This new technique practiced by surgeons at TAMC involves removing of thyroid gland through mouth. Specialist makes 3 small incisions between patient’s lower lip and lower teeth. Using special endoscopic equipment, surgeon removes thyroid tissue through a transoral approach.

    Modern treatment of hoarseness problem using endoscopic intervention. When a problem such as chronic hoarseness develops, TAMC specialists perform modern endoscopic intervention, which involves draining swollen vocal cords. Previous voice is restored within a week; the procedure is performed under general anesthesia and lasts about 1 hour.

    TAMC specialists offer their patients innovative and effective treatment for such problems as ringing in ears. Narrowing of auditory tube (Eustachian tube), which connects middle ear to nasopharynx, often causes chronic whistling, ringing and clattering in ears, and hearing loss. In our department ENT surgeons offer an innovative surgical procedure to radically eliminate this pathology – balloon dilatation of Eustachian tube. Procedure allows you to instantly get rid of all unpleasant symptoms once and for all. It is performed under general anesthesia on an outpatient basis, and takes about 15 minutes.

    Specialist inserts a special folded balloon into auditory tube, which is then filled with liquid and straightened out, eliminating the narrowing. Improvement in hearing and patient’s condition is observed immediately after intervention.

    Cochlear implantation is a very popular hearing restoration surgery in Israel. Specialists implant only high-quality implants from well-known world-famous manufacturers. This procedure allows to restore hearing and improve the quality of life for thousands of children and adults with congenital or acquired forms of hearing loss.


    Today skull base surgery has reached an incredible level of development in Israel. This is a very complex area of surgery, since at the base of skull there are a large number of delicate and vital nerve structures. Over the past decade, thanks to modern technology, it has been possible to find a safe endoscopic surgical approach to all parts of skull base.

    Our endoscopic surgical interventions provide positive results in the vast majority of cases, especially in patients with benign tumors of skull base. Patients with malignant neoplasms can prolong their lives and improve their quality of life thanks to comprehensive treatment.

    The direction of restoring respiratory tract continuity in children after tracheostomy deserves special attention. A tracheostomy is a special tube that is installed in trachea when a child, for one reason or another, cannot breathe on his own. Children with tracheostomy are especially vulnerable: they need constant care to prevent excess mucus from accumulating and water or dirt from getting into the hole.

    Elimination of tracheostomy (tracheoplasty) consequences in TAMC is carried out under general anesthesia and artificial ventilation. The duration of procedure depends on complexity of situation and can take from 30 to 150 minutes. The idea is to eliminate scars in trachea and strengthen its wall by inflating a special balloon. To do this, surgeon, under the control of microscope, inserts a special endoscopic technique into larynx, through which a set of microsurgical instruments is inserted. With their help, pathologically altered tissues are removed. If there is a defect in anterior surface of neck, it is closed with special cartilage implants or silicone rings. After such intervention, child completely resumes the ability to breathe on his own.

    At Head and Neck Surgery Center, all patients who need it will find help, among other surgical procedures that our doctors perform include:

    • endoscopic interventions on upper respiratory tract;
    • removal of thyroid nodules with laser;
    • surgeries on thyroid and parathyroid glands using neuromonitoring to prevent damage to laryngeal nerve and voice problems in future;
    • reconstruction of facial nerve after its paralysis;
    • restoration of speech after removal of vocal cords (voice prosthetics);
    • procedure of emergency and planned tracheostomy;
    • functional and cosmetic surgery of nose (solving the problem of impaired nasal breathing, dependence on vasoconstrictor nasal sprays, correcting a deviated nasal septum, changing nose shape);
    • endoscopic nasal and paranasal interventions for diagnostics and treatment of chronic diseases, benign and malignant malformations of nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. 

    This is only a part of all diagnostic and therapeutic modern procedures that are daily performed by the team of specialists at Head and Neck Surgery Center. If you need such treatment, choose the best option for yourself – TAMC. Write to us by email or leave a request on the website. Our specialists will contact you within 24-48 hours.

    Professor Nadal Moanna

    Head of the Department of Nose, Head, Neck and Jaw Surgery

    Professor Dan Flies

    Head of the Department of Head and Neck Surgery, Maxillofacial Surgery

    Professor Diro Ari

    Otolaryngologist, Head of the Department of Pediatric Otolaryngology

    Professor Ziv Gil

    Leading specialist in the field of otolaryngology and head and neck surgery.

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