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    HCC Open Surgery - Liver Resection

    HCC Open Surgery - Liver Resection

    In the cells of the liver, in the presence of certain factors, a malignant tumor can develop that is prone to metastasis. The method of treating a disease a vital organ depends on the stage growth, the neoplasm, the level of its prevalence, condition, and age the patient. The main task of doctors is the complete removal of cancer cells and the elimination of the tumor. For this, the primary methods used – a complex operation that requires considerable experience and professionalism from doctors. Resection of the liver can be of different volumes and depends on the degree of spread of the lesion. An organ consisting of two lobes can regenerate. Even after the removal of the right or left lobe, the liver restored thanks to the blood vessels that continue to work. The principle of surgical intervention is the removal of the affected lesion and the preservation of healthy tissues.

    Indications for resection

    Cutting off a part or share of the liver is carried out in such cases:

    • Primary malignant neoplasm emerging from liver tissue.
    • Secondary tumor or metastases, when the localization of the formation is in the organs of the abdominal cavity.

    Despite the radical nature of the remedy, the surgical procedure prolongs a person’s life and even gives a chance for recovery. 


    When appointing an operation, the doctor takes into account all possible degrees of risk and the ability of the body to recover later. Therefore, patients who have observed pathology data do not have an open operation:

    • With cirrhosis, regeneration is not possible, which means that the consequences of resection will be irreversible.
    • Unsuccessful localization of the tumor in the segment, poorly responding due to the inaccessibility of surgical intervention.
    • Patients with diabetes mellitus and low platelet counts also cannot be admitted to surgery.

    Liver resection

    A patient prepared for surgery using general anesthesia is immersed in deep sleep, in which there is no sensitivity. An anatomical resection by an open method lasts no more than four hours. The doctor makes an incision to gain access to the organ. After examining it, and based on the level of pathology and localization of the focus, it decides which resection is more useful to minimize tissue trauma. The tumor is removed and sent to the laboratory for research to determine the optimal follow-up treatment.

    Liver resection at Tel Aviv Medical Clinic

    The complexity of the operation requires high professionalism of specialists, as well as the availability of specific equipment to meet all modern requirements and techniques. The Israeli clinic performs filigree work, which includes intervention on the liver, the best and most experienced surgeons. Using the latest medical equipment, they will effectively conduct the operation, taking into account all the features of the disease, eliminating the risk of an adverse outcome.

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