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  • The Best Clinic
Weizman 14, Tel Aviv, Israel

    Gynecology in Israel

    Israeli medicine pays great attention to women’s health. That is why gynecology in Israel is at the highest stage of its development. Tel Aviv Medical Center uses only advanced methods for diagnosing and treating diseases of female reproductive system. Many women come to Israel from all over the world to gain access to modern and effective medicine, for example, treatment of uterine fibroids in Israel is carried out according to organ-preserving principle, so that after surgery a woman can realize herself as a mother.

    At our medical center specialists in the field of gynecology not only successfully treat various pathologies of female reproductive system, but also take care of restoring the physical and mental health of women as a whole. Preference is given to organ-preserving and minimally invasive interventions, so that in future each patient can become a mother and lead a healthy intimate life.

    Doctors have achieved particular success in the field of gynecology oncology. Application of modern treatment methods and innovative equipment (stereotactic radiotherapy, genetic marking of tumors, targeted therapy) makes it possible not only to treat cancer, but also to achieve remission in patients with tumors diagnosed at late stages.

    In Gynecology Department of Tel Aviv Medical Center, women with any disease of reproductive system, regardless of their severity, can receive help.

    Woman doctor reassuring to patient in hospital room,Doctor giving a consultation and encouragement


    Gynecological Department includes several units that have their own narrow specialization:

    • Gynecology – specialists from Gynecology Department provide a full range of all gynecological services, including outpatient and surgical gynecology. If you need a preventive examination, colposcopy, ultrasound of pelvic organs or surgery to treat benign diseases of external or internal genital organs, doctors of our department will help you cope with any situation.
    • Oncology gynecology – the department deals with treatment of malignant diseases of female reproductive system. Women with cervical cancer, ovarian cancer, endometrial cancer, and vulvar cancer can count on qualified and comprehensive care.
    • Assisted reproductive technology (IVF) and family planning service. The State of Israel is very interested in increasing the birth rate, so infertility clinics are generously funded, which allows them to put into practice the most advanced technologies and treatment methods for women and men who have problems getting pregnant.
    • Obstetric unit. Specialists in this area monitor pregnancy and provide assistance in cases of pregnancy pathology. The department also has modern maternity wards, where childbirth will be comfortable and safe for both mother and baby.

    What diseases does Gynecology Department treat?

    Diagnostic methods in gynecology

    The key to successful treatment is accurate diagnosis, so management of medical center purchases only modern expert-class diagnostic equipment for its patients.

    In gynecology, it often has to resort to such informative and modern examination methods as CT, MRI and PET-CT. All our patients can undergo these procedures in the shortest possible time. There is a whole ultrasound diagnostic service to help clinicians. This is a very valuable, safe and informative method of medical imaging, which helps to make an accurate diagnosis and subsequently monitor the condition of patients during treatment phase and after.

    Diagnostic hysteroscopy and laparoscopy. Hysteroscopy is a minimally invasive technique for examining uterine cavity using a special device with a camera – a hysteroscope. The real-time image is displayed on a large screen in the operating room, which allows surgeon to carefully examine every square millimeter of endometrium and identify pathological changes. If necessary, perform a biopsy or, for example, a medical procedure – polyp removal, dissection of membrane in uterus, etc. This procedure is called See and Treat hysteroscopy.

    Laparoscopy is a minimally invasive technique for abdominal cavity examining. Similar to hysteroscopy, it is performed using instruments and a camera that are inserted into abdominal cavity through small incisions (usually no more than 3 pieces up to 1 cm long). After postoperative wounds heal, there are almost no trace left on the skin from surgery. Using laparoscopy, a gynecological surgeon examines abdominal cavity, analyzes in detail the condition of all reproductive system internal organs, and, if necessary, performs diagnostic (biopsy, checking the patency of fallopian tubes) or therapeutic manipulations (dissection of adhesions, excision of myomatous nodes, endometrioid ovarian cysts, etc.). ).

    Colposcopy is used for targeted examination of cervix. This is a completely non-invasive procedure performed using a special colposcope apparatus. It is a microscope that magnifies the image up to 20 times or more, which allows us to carefully examine the entire surface of cervix, as well as perform a targeted biopsy from desired suspicious area.

    HyFoSy (hysterosalpingo foam sonography) is a modern method for studying the patency of fallopian tubes using ultrasound. Most often, doctors resort to such diagnostics determining infertility causes. Previously, the only non-invasive method for diagnosing the condition of fallopian tubes was metrosalpingography – an X-ray examination using a contrast agent that is injected into uterine cavity. HyFoSy, unlike X-ray examination, is completely safe (no ionizing radiation), does not require anesthesia and is performed on an outpatient basis for 30 minutes. A special gel is injected into uterine cavity using a thin catheter, which turns into foam. Next, using an ultrasound transvaginal sensor, doctor observes whether the gel is released into abdominal cavity or not.


    In the gynecology department of the Tel Aviv Medical Center, women with any disease of the reproductive system, regardless of their severity, can receive help.

    The department provides its patients with access to the most modern methods of treating various women’s problems, including malignant tumors of the external and internal genital organs.

    Modern treatment methods in gynecology

    Gynecology Department provides its patients with access to the most modern methods of treating various female problems, including malignant tumors of external and internal genital organs. The department has several separate operating rooms, where professional surgical teams work, providing almost round-the-clock care to their patients.

    Robotic gynecological surgery “Da Vinci”. This is an innovative minimally invasive robotic surgical unit that has found wide application in syrgical gynecology for treatment of various female diseases.Surgical system is designed specifically to perform interventions without surgeon’s direct access to surgical wound. All manipulations with human body are performed by mechanical arms controlled by an operator (surgeon). Gynecologist sees the entire image of surgical field on screen behind control panel in multiple magnification.

    The advantages of such robotic surgery:

    • all manipulations are performed with high precision,
    • the risk of complications is minimal,
    • little blood loss, quick recovery after surgery,
    • minimal risk of surgical wound infection.

    Single Port surgery. This surgical intervention is performed using a Single Port robotic installation, which means one incision. The procedure is performed through one small incision below umbilical ring. A special port containing manipulators, a camera and other necessary instruments is inserted into this incision. A manipulator is a robot that is controlled by a surgeon at a distance. This approach allows us to minimize all surgical risks and achieve effective results with only a small access.

    Radical complex treatment of malignant neoplasms in women of reproductive age is often accompanied by loss of ability to bear children and premature menopause. Therefore, our specialists in the field of gynecology and reproductive medicine offer patients a program of delayed maternity before starting radical treatment. With consent, reproductive specialists perform superovulation stimulation, puncture and eggs collection, followed by cryopreservation. If a woman already has a man, in vitro fertilization and cryopreservation of ready-made embryos can be performed. After receiving comprehensive treatment for oncological pathology, even in the event of fertility loss, patient or couple will be able to have genetically related children in future by performing the IVF procedure.

    Photodynamic therapy in gynecology. This procedure is used to treat cervical pathology. Today it is considered one of the most gentle, painless, non-contact methods of treating cervical diseases; in addition, it does not require the use of local anesthesia. This is an outpatient procedure that does not require hospitalization in Gynecological Department. Therapeutic effect is based on the ability to destroy cells as a result of exposure to photosensitizers and light waves that they absorb. In this case, photosensitizers accumulate only in “bad” cells, which leads to the death of only those.

    Brachytherapy using the innovative HDR-BRAVOS method for malignant diseases of female genital organs is a type of radiation therapy when radiation source is placed inside diseased organ. This technique is successfully used to treat cervical, endometrial and vaginal cancer. Thus, only tumor is exposed to radiation; healthy tissues receive a minimal amount of ionizing radiation, which is accompanied by better tolerability of treatment by patient and much fewer side effects and complications.

    This is not a complete list of modern and highly effective methods of treating gynecological diseases that are practiced by gynecologists at Tel Aviv Medical Center. If necessary, our patients can have access to the following treatment methods and unique procedures:

    • 3D radiation therapy (3D-CRT).
    • Vaginal plastic surgery using synthetic materials.
    • Colporrhaphy.
    • Combined (hybrid) reconstruction of pelvic floor.
    • Robotic surgery in urology gynecology using Da Vinci installation.
    • TVT (Tension-free Vaginal Tape) plastic surgery for prolapse of internal genital organs.
    • Supravaginal amputation of uterus.
    • Removal of uterus and cervix (extirpation).

    This is only a part of all surgeries and medical procedures that are used to preserve women’s health in Gynecology Department. If you are facing treatment for gynecological pathology, entrust your reproductive health to us.

    Professor Dan Grisaro

    Gynecologist, gynecological oncologist, head of the gynecological oncology department

    Professor Osnat Grots

    Specialist in gynecology, director of the department of URO-gynecology

    Doctor Azam Fouad

    Head of the Center for Reproductive Medicine

    Doctor Yariv Yogev

    Head of the Women’s Health Center and Maternity Hospital

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