• The Best Clinic
  • The Best Clinic
Weizman 14, Tel Aviv, Israel

    Glioma Surgery: overview

    Gliomas belong to the type of malignant tumours of the central nervous system, resulting from cell mutations. They can be localized both in the brain and in the spinal cord. The neoplasm develops from auxiliary cells of the nervous system that surround and nourish brain neurons. Depending on the growth rate and the lesion, the primary tumour has a negative effect on the brain and poses a real threat to life. There are gliomas of the brain stem at any age. In young people, this disease has favourable prognoses with timely, adequate treatment. The causes of gliomas are not exactly known, but genetic factors are called the possibility of abnormal growth of embryonic cells.


    Conventionally, all symptoms are divided into cerebral, accompanying all brain tumours, and focal, depending on the location of the neoplasm. Among the manifestations for all types of brain cancer include:

    • severe headaches with a feeling of “bursting”;
    • unsystematic dizziness;
    • vomiting independent of diet.

    Among the focal signs dominate:

    • impaired vision, hearing;
    • difficulties in moving in space;
    • speech impairment;
    • paresis (weakness) in the arms and legs;
    • decreased tactile sensitivity;
    • convulsions, epileptic seizures, if they were not previously observed.

    If there are several symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor, since the success of treatment depends on the moment of diagnosis.


    Israeli clinic Tel Aviv Medical Clinic offers its services of the highest medical quality in a full complex. For patients, we have set prices corresponding to prices in public hospitals. Patients from different countries are being brought to us because we value our reputation and do our best to help people.

    Due to the lack of a clear border between the tumour and healthy neighbouring tissues, it is almost impossible to remove it completely by surgery. Therefore, after surgery to remove gliomas, chemo- and radiation therapy are used that destroy the remaining affected cells. Unfortunately, the risk of relapse remains rather high. 

    In the case of brain glioma, an effective treatment method is the use of the CyberKnife robotic system based on the stereotactic radiosurgery technique. With its help, without surgery, it is possible to painlessly remove the entire tumour without touching the healthy tissues surrounding it.


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