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Weizman 14, Tel Aviv, Israel

    Gallbladder Cancer

    Gallbladder Cancer

    Gall bladder cancer is not a common disease. According to statistics, every fifth person out of 100 thousand finds this mutation. Nevertheless, in women, this type of damage to the body occurs one and a half times more often than in men. This type of cancer usually forms in people after 50-55 years with numerous stones.

    What is gall bladder cancer?

    In any case, cancer is an oncological disease. Gallbladder cancer is a poor-quality tumor, the process of mutation most often begins in the glandular tissue or the inner layer of the gallbladder.

    Symptoms of the disease

    The main symptoms of this disease include the following:

    • bloating
    • Heat
    • Frequent gagging
    • Change in skin color (jaundice)
    • Pain in the upper abdomen

    But, besides this, other symptoms are worth paying attention.

    It is almost impossible to diagnose cancer at an early stage, as it manifests itself slowly and weakly. The surest sign of the disease is a dull aching pain that is only growing. Most often, it accompanied by an increase in temperature to 37 degrees. Additional symptoms include a decrease in appetite, weight loss, jaundice, and the appearance of tightness on the right side.

    In later stages, anemia and accumulation of water in the abdominal cavity appear.

    Diagnosis of gall bladder cancer

    This disease can not be confirmed only by the results of routine tests (general blood, urine, and feces), and therefore doctors prescribe the following studies:

    • Ultrasound
    • Computed tomography
    • Puncture biopsy
    • Laparoscopy
    • ECG
    • Examination by magnetic resonance apparatus

    All these procedures will help not only to see the problem but also to evaluate it, namely, the size of the tumor, its location, and structure, to see the degree of damage to the surrounding tissues and even take material for the sample.

    Types of treatment and prevention

    After confirming the diagnosis and assessing the state of health, it is necessary to start eliminating the tumor problem as soon as possible. It is worth noting that the maximum elimination of the disease is possible only at the initial stages. The more time passes after the appearance of metastases, the less likely to be cured. Surgical intervention is available only in the initial stages of the disease when the tumor did not manage to infect a large amount of healthy tissue.

    Such helps divided into cholecystectomy and advanced operations.

    After removal of the malignant tumor (in whole or in part), a course of chemotherapy or less often brachytherapy is most commonly prescribed. In the case when the body does not support this type of treatment, they switch to medication or resort to liver transplantation. Under challenging circumstances, doctors give the patient about six months, which depends on the degree of damage and treatment methods.

    Tel Aviv Medical Clinic generational experience

    Our clinic is famous not for its big name, but the result of healthy clients. All our doctors have more than ten years of experience, and all operations are carried out only with the use of high-quality equipment. We are responsible for the health and lives of our customers and will do everything to defeat the disease!

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