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  • The Best Clinic
Weizman 14, Tel Aviv, Israel

    Epilepsy in children

    Epilepsy in children

    The manifestation of epilepsy in children is very different from symptoms in adults. The nature of the attacks, the causes of the occurrence – everything has its characteristics. Specialists divide the pathological condition into two types – primary and convulsive syndrome.

    The primary form of pathology is a chronic disease of the nervous system, which is characterized by impaired activity of brain cells. In the head, a neuron transmits signals to other parts of the body. If a failure occurs in the system, then there are flashes of activity in certain parts of the brain. At this time, the chaotic transmission of signals to muscles and organs begins. As a result, convulsions appear. What causes this pathology, experts can not answer. 

    The acquired form of the disease has its characteristics. Children have cramps for several reasons. Parents may notice that over time, the child develops anxiety, nervousness, headache, or dizziness.

    What causes the pathology 

    There are some risk factors for the occurrence of the acquired form of the disease: 

    • The presence of febrile seizures in children;
    • Pathology during childbirth;
    • Lack of vitamins and minerals;
    • Infectious diseases;
    • The development of a tumor in the brain.

    How the disease manifests itself in children 

    Parents of a child may notice the following symptoms: 

    • a rise in body temperature;
    • loss of consciousness;
    • Convulsions;
    • Temporary respiratory arrest;
    • Erratic body movements;
    • Strong muscle tension.

    Do not risk the health of the baby; you should immediately seek qualified help from a pediatrician.

    Pathology treatment at Tel Aviv Medical Clinic

    The pediatrician of Tel Aviv Medical Clinic has extensive knowledge and vast practical experience in the treatment of pathologies in children, including epilepsy. We know how to find an approach to a child. Our employees surround the baby the clock care and control. The department equipped with the latest equipment with which you can use the latest treatment techniques.

    The clinic has established tariffs as in state institutions. Our staff helps contact charities to raise funds for treatment. To make a correct diagnosis, the doctor conducts a comprehensive examination of the body and, based on the data obtained, develops an individual therapy program.

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