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Weizman 14, Tel Aviv, Israel

    Diseases of the peripheral nervous system in children

    Diseases of the peripheral nervous system in children

    The department of pediatric neurology at the Tel Aviv Medical Clinic Israeli clinic is one of the best for several years now, demonstrating a high level of positive results in the treatment of various neurological pathologies. The department’s experienced specialists deal with the development and occurrence of diseases of the nervous system, the study of their symptoms, improvement of treatment, and prevention methods.

    We treat children and adolescents from different countries who have diagnosed with acute or chronic diseases of the peripheral nervous system. For examination, doctors of the children’s department use advanced equipment that allows informative diagnostics to performed, eliminating the slightest error. Tel Aviv Medical Clinic has a full range of services of the highest level, including for research:

    • Ultrasound.
    • CT scan.
    • MRI.
    • PET.
    • EEG.
    • Neurophysiology.
    • Electroencephalogram.
    • Electromyography.
    • Puncture.

    How to notice a disease of the peripheral nervous system in a child in time?

    The vigilance of parents helps in the initial stages to begin the effective elimination of diseases, representing a complex of pathologies that affect nerves and muscles. This, in turn, causes vegetative, motor, and sensory disturbances. Such factors provoke similar diseases:

    • Hereditary predisposition.
    • Infection.
    • Injury.
    • Exposure to toxic substances.
    • Influence of inflammatory and metabolic processes.

    Damage to the peripheral nervous system is accompanied mainly by these symptoms: 

    • Burning sensation.
    • Acute pain.
    • Muscle weakness and paralysis.
    • Numbness of the skin, the appearance of a feeling of “running goosebumps.”
    • Whether pallor and redness of the skin and associated sweating or dryness.

    Where can I get treatment for a disease of the peripheral nervous system?

    At Tel Aviv Medical Clinic, prices for all quality medical services are fixed at the state hospital level. We use the most gentle but effective methods for treating small patients. Establishing a set of therapeutic measures, doctors focus on eliminating the causes of pathology. Physiotherapy, corrective and wellness exercises, and medications used. If necessary, surgery prescribed. After treatment, a small patient can take a course for recovery in a rehabilitation center.

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