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  • The Best Clinic
Weizman 14, Tel Aviv, Israel

    Pediatric Urology Department in Israel

    Pediatric Urology Department of Tel Aviv Medical Clinic is known for its impeccable reputation far beyond the borders of Israel. The main practice sphere is surgical treatment of diseases, congenital malformations, as well as traumatic injuries of kidneys and urinary tract in children, internal and external genital organs in boys. The department is equipped with only advanced equipment; consultations are conducted by highly qualified doctors in the field of pediatric urology, who have trained in the best European and American clinics.

    Multidisciplinary team of Pediatric Urology Department of TAMC provides the full range of necessary medical services: from preventive examinations of different ages children, to complex treatment of serious diseases and malformations of excretory and reproductive system (often using innovative equipment and advanced surgical techniques).

    Treatment and diagnostic process differs significantly in adults and children. Children need a special approach; there is also a third equally important participant in this process – the child’s parents. Uurologists of our department, as well as all medical staff, have extensive and successful experience working with children and their parents or custodians, so treatment process takes place in a calm and friendly atmosphere without fear from child or any misunderstanding from parents.

    If necessary, on the basis of Pediatric Urology Department the entire multidisciplinary teams are created with involvement of several highly specialized specialists in treatment process of one patient, for example, not only urologists, but also general surgeons, nephrologists, plastic surgeons, oncologists, radiologists, and rehabilitation specialists.

    Treatment Advantages in Pediatric Urology Department of TAMC:

    • Department was created and designed specifically for children. Here children will receive comfortable living conditions, delicious hospital food to choose from in menu, the opportunity to stay in hospital with his parents, 24/7 care and high-quality medical care.
    • High level trained specialists who work with children: from junior and mid-level medical personnel to medical specialists. All of them have undergone appropriate training not only in urological field of practice, but also have an excellent command of psychological aspects of communication with children.
    • Application in practice only modern and safe expert-class equipment, innovative surgical techniques, regular participation in clinical trials, rapid implementation of advanced treatment methods into practice.
    • Tendency of using organ-preserving and minimally invasive surgical techniques for pathology of excretory system in children.

    Producing surgery, if necessary, from a very early age. In some cases, surgery on excretory system organs can be performed before the baby is born. This area of medicine is one of the most complicated and is called fetal surgery.

    Portrait of adorable curly child in doctors office holding teddy bear toy, with pediatrician listening to heartbeat using stethoscope

    Directions of practice at Pediatric Urology Department

    Specialists at Pediatric Urology Department study, diagnose, treat and prevent both common and very rare urological pathologies in children.

    Most often people turn to us for help in following situations:

    • varicocele – varicose veins extension of spermatic cord;
    • hydrocele – testicle dropsy;
    • hypospadias and epispadias are congenital defects of ureter;
    • cryptorchidism – undescended testicles from abdominal cavity;
    • urinary tract obstruction (congenital and acquired causes);
    • urethra narrowing;
    • congenital kidney malformations;
    • urolithiasis disease;
    • urinary tract infections;
    • bladder exstrophy;
    • vesicoureteral reflux;
    • urinary incontinence in children;
    • kidney tumors (benign and malignant);
    • hydronephrotic transformation of kidneys.

    If this list does not include a problem that worries your child, write to us, we will definitely provide information on treatment methods that our doctors practice and help to organize a consultation with a specialist in your matter.

    What diseases does Pediatric Urology Department treat?

    Diagnostic methods in Pediatric Urology Department

    One of the main advantages of diagnostics at TAMC is the ability to get a comprehensive examination in one place in the shortest possible time. The duration of diagnostic stage is 3-5 days, depending on preliminary diagnosis.

    Diagnostics in Pediatric Urology Department takes place in 3 stages. At the first stage, child and his parents have an initial consultation with a doctor in diagnostic unit of urology department. Specialist systematizes complaints, collects anamnesis of life and illness, examines the child in detail, and studies medical documentation that patients brought with them. Next, doctor makes up a plan for further examination.

    At the second stage, child undergoes all diagnostic tests. If a certain examination is accompanied by pain, it is performed under local or general anesthesia so that the child does not experience any discomfort.

    At the third stage, the leading urologist studies diagnostic data and establishes a final diagnosis, according to which he makes up a modern comprehensive treatment program. Depending on case, it may include conservative and surgical treatment methods, a rehabilitation and maintenance therapy program.

    Pediatric Urology Department has modern diagnostic equipment; here you can undergo all modern types of diagnostic examinations:

    • Ultrasound examination of excretory organs and reproductive system is the most common and safe way to check their condition, which has an extensive list of indications. Recommended for identifying pathologies of kidneys, adrenal glands, bladder, ureters, testicles.
    • Computed tomography (CT, MSCT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) – makes it possible to obtain a layer-by-layer image of tissues and organs. Plays an important role in identifying space-occupying malformations: tumors, cysts, as well as injuries to kidneys, ureters, stones, anomalies in structure of genitourinary system.
    • Excretory urography is an x-ray examination that involves the introduction of a contrast agent into blood. It quickly reaches the kidneys and begins to be secreted into renal pelvis. The study allows us to identify urolithiasis, diseases of ureters, tumors, cysts, kidney prolapse, developmental anomalies, obstruction of upper urinary tract, lack of function of one or two kidneys (congenital absence or underdevelopment of organ). Bladder cystoscopy is an endoscopic examination method using a cystoscope, which is inserted into urethra. During diagnostics, it is possible not only to identify pathological processes, but also to carry out therapeutic manipulations – stop bleeding, remove stones, perform a biopsy, etc.

    The patient may be prescribed a number of other specific studies, for example, retrograde urography, dynamic renal scintigraphy, uroflowmetry. In Pediatric Urology Department of TAMC, diagnostics are carried out using modern and safe equipment, which provides accurate results.


    The principle of pediatric surgery that our urologists practice is minimally invasive and organ-preserving operations.

    Our specialists have extensive, and often unique, experience in conducting advanced surgical minimally invasive interventions.

    Modern treatment methods in Pediatric Urology Department

    The main practice spheres of Pediatric Urology Department is surgical treatment of urological pathology in children of various ages, although the whole range of conservative treatment methods can also be obtained here.

    Robot-assisted surgical interventions are used to treat vesicoureteral reflux (this is urine backflow from bladder into ureter due to congenital anomalies in development of latter).

    For a long time, open surgery was used to correct this condition, which could lead to hydronephrosis development. Then Israeli surgeons introduced the practice of correcting such defects using endoscopic access. During this modern technique, all instruments and camera are inserted into bladder, and with the help of a special polymer substance (DEFLUX gel), surgeon forms a valve that will prevent urine backflow.

    At TAMC Pediatric Urology Department urological surgeons went even further. In cases where it is impossible to correct vesicoureteral reflux endoscopically, so as not to resort to open surgery, they perform robot-assisted surgical interventions using the latest generation Da Vinci installation. The effectiveness of this type of treatment is more than 95%.

    Surgical correction for hypospadias and epispadias. Israeli doctors recommend to correct such defects in urethra development at an early age (from 6 months to 2 years). A minimally invasive intervention is performed under general anesthesia, but without hospitalization; in more complex cases, 2 or more surgeries may be needed to correct such a defect.

    Surgeries for cryptorchidism are performed before the age of 2 years. Cryptorchidism is failure of testicles to descend from abdominal cavity into scrotum in boys. In future, such a pathology threatens infertility, so urologists perform a minimally invasive surgical intervention, during which testicle is lowered into scrotum through a small incision in child’s groin.

    Spinal surgery. Group of surgeons in operating room with surgery equipment. Laminectomy. Modern medical background

    In Israel surgery for hydrocele treatment is performed endoscopically. Intervention is well tolerated by child and he can be discharged from hospital on the same day if no postoperative complications are recorded.

    Laser hydrocele removal techniques are also used. This surgical intervention is practically bloodless: by cutting through the tissue, laser immediately stops bleeding. During surgery performed by this method, excess fluid is removed along with testicle membranes. This technique allows us to avoid complications and relapse of disease in future. Surgeon makes an incision in center of scrotum, and the scar is almost invisible afterwards. Child may be discharged from hospital the next day after surgery.

    Ureteroplasty can be performed for various reasons: trauma, ureter narrowing, congenital defects in organ development, etc. This surgery is a technically complex procedure, so it should only be performed by highly qualified urological surgeons. As a rule, during surgery a certain section of ureter is replaced with an autograft (intestinal). In Pediatric Urology Department of TAMC, such reconstructive surgeries are performed laparoscopically, that is, without incisions in anterior abdominal wall, thanks to which children recover quickly and do not experience pain.

    This is only a small part of modern and advanced methods of treating urological pathology in children. If you decide to come with your child to Tel Aviv Medical Clinic for treatment, you are sure to receive special attention and support. During the entire period of treatment, we will accompany you during visits to specialists, help in solving various medical and everyday problems.

    Professor Ben Haim

    Head of the pediatric urology department at the hospital

    Professor  Yoram Mor

    Head of the Department of Pediatric Urology

    Professor Pinchas Livne

    Specialist in pediatric urology, head of the urology department.

    Professor Sarel Halakhmi

    Director of the Department of Urology and Pediatric Urology Service

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