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  • The Best Clinic
Weizman 14, Tel Aviv, Israel

    Pediatric Otolaryngology Department in Israel

    Pediatric Otolaryngology Department at Tel Aviv Medical Clinic specializes in diagnostics and treatment of congenital and acquired diseases of ear, nose and throat. Our specialists provide a wide range of medical services for children of all ages – from infants to teenagers. All our doctors have undergone appropriate training to provide the full range of medical services at the highest level.

    Pediatric ENT Pathology Department employs a truly multidisciplinary team of professionals. If necessary, assistance to the child can be provided by both otolaryngologists and other specialists – psychologists, pediatricians, surgeons, oncologists, radiation therapists, rehabilitation specialists, physiotherapists, and highly professional nursing and junior medical personnel. This approach ensures continuity of medical care, that is, the entire range of necessary medical services from the beginning of diagnosis to completion of treatment and rehabilitation can be received in one medical institution.

    Picture of little boy having medical examination by pediatrician


    Pediatric Otolaryngology Department operates several highly specialized units:

    • Cochlear Implantation Department – doctors in this department prepare patients for cochlear implantation, perform surgery itself, and also make up a rehabilitation and education program for children after installation of cochlear implants.
    • Clinic for dysfunctions of vocal apparatus in children – specialists in this profile deal with all voice problems that arise in children.
    • Hearing impairment diagnostic room – here, with the help of modern equipment, hearing screening is carried out for newborn children, and type and degree of hearing impairment in children of any age is identified.
    • Department of dysfunctions of upper respiratory tract – here children with dysfunctions of upper respiratory tract (larynx, trachea) undergo treatment and rehabilitation. Specialists perform emergency or permanent tracheotomy, care for tracheostomy, and teach parents to basics of care and basics first aid in case of obstruction of upper respiratory tract. Specialists also perform tracheostomy removal and reconstructive surgery after this.
    • General otolaryngology – specialists in this profile conduct an initial consultation, examination, develop a plan for further examination if necessary, and treat the most common ENT pathologies (tonsillitis, pharyngitis, otitis, rhinosinusitis).
    • Department of diagnosis and treatment of snoring and obstructive sleep apnea and related conditions.
    • Functional and cosmetic surgery of the nose.

    What diseases does Pediatric Otolaryngology Department treat?

    Diagnostic methods in pediatric otolaryngology

    Modern diagnostics in children’s ENT department of TAMC medical center involves not only a detailed analysis of complaints, collection of disease anamnesis, child’s physical examination by a specialist, but also the entire range of modern examination methods using innovative medical equipment.

    It is almost impossible to imagine an appointment with an ENT doctor in a children’s department without modern fiber-optic equipment that allows us to examine and, if necessary, record the results in photos or videos, take a biopsy for histological examination or a smear for cytological analysis.

    In our clinic the endoscopic fiber optic equipment is adapted for children, that is, we use the finest diameter conductors to make the procedure painless and as comfortable as possible for children of all ages. Using a fiber-optic endoscopic examination method, you can examine in detail nasal passages, posterior wall of nasopharynx, a section of vocal cords, and larynx (all upper respiratory tract).

    Using endoscopic fiber optic modern equipment, you can transfer the image to screen and record it in the form of photos and videos. The quality of such materials is very high; all information can be recorded on a digital medium and used in further process of diagnostics and monitoring the treatment effectiveness. Also, in doubtful cases, this information is transferred to another specialist. This allows us to make correct diagnosis quickly and efficiently even in the most difficult situations.

    If specialists perform a biopsy during an endoscopic examination, tissue samples are sent for review to the best Israeli pathological laboratories to verify diagnosis. Thanks to such “molecular checks”, we are completely confident in final diagnosis correctness and effectiveness of future treatment regimen.

    Also, modern diagnostics of ENT diseases includes highly informative medical imaging techniques. Developing a treatment plan, specialists widely use data from such methods as CT, MRI, PET-CT, ultrasound with color Doppler, angiography of head and neck vessels. Clinic also offers modern functional examination techniques in otolaryngology. For example, patient may undergo a detailed examination of vocal cords condition using stroboscopy. This study is performed by a phoniatrist or speech therapist with special education and training.

    Department also has an audiology laboratory, which has everything necessary to examine hearing and identify any hearing disorders in children from birth to 18 years of age.


    Otolaryngology Department is part of Surgery Department at TAMC Clinic. Thanks to a highly qualified team of specialists and modern equipment, our department keeps pace with rapidly developing medical technologies and treatment methods.

    All new products that are approved by relevant authorities are immediately put into practice if they are effective and can help patients.

    Modern treatment methods in pediatric otolaryngology

    Our patients have access to all treatment methods in otolaryngology, both classical and innovative. Specialists at TAMC clinic provide a full range of services for surgical treatment of ENT diseases.

    Surgery to install bone conduction hearing aids (BCHA) is used to treat patients with severe forms of conductive hearing loss that cannot be corrected by using classical hearing aids or in children with severe combined hearing impairment.

    Shunting the eardrum (tympanostomy) or cutting it open (tympanotomy) are surgical interventions performed in children with chronic otitis media. The procedure leads to elimination of pathological contents of tympanic cavity and restoration of hearing in such patients.

    Cochlear implantation is a hearing aid technique through which sound vibrations are converted into electrical impulses, after which they are transmitted to auditory nerve and a specific part of brain where they are analyzed. This is a modern and highly effective method of treating hearing loss in children, both congenital and acquired. Pediatric Otolaryngology Department installs only the best cochlear implants from leading manufacturers.

    Specialists from Pediatric Otolaryngology Department at TAMC have developed a unique endoscopic technique that eliminates the necessity to drill into mastoid process (skull bone located behind ear). All manipulations are carried out using a special endoscope.

    Also, our otolaryngologists masterfully perform plastic reconstructive surgeries for malformations of hard palate (“cleft palate”). Thanks to such interventions, children regain the ability to eat normally and speak correctly.

    Clinic performs a full range of surgical interventions on vocal cords and trachea using endoscopic and open access. For example, a tracheostomy can be placed on young patients, as well as having it removed and integrity of upper respiratory tract restored. Necessity to establish a tracheostomy arises for various diseases of ENT organs in children, for example, with larynx stenosis, its cicatricial deformation after burns, etc.

    Also, all our young patients have access to reconstructive and plastic surgeries on upper respiratory tract. As a rule, these are surgeries aimed at restoring the anatomical and functional integrity of larynx or trachea. Indications for this type of surgical intervention may include long-term wearing of a tracheostomy, cicatricial stenosis of larynx or trachea, straightening of tracheal rings in tracheomalacia, consequences of injuries or burns of upper respiratory tract. Plastic surgery of trachea or larynx occurs almost without incisions; application of microsurgical equipment allows us to operate only on area of pathologically altered tissue.

    Elimination of tracheostomy consequences (laryngoplasty) is carried out under general anesthesia with application of artificial ventilation. The duration of intervention depends on individual case complexity. The essence of surgery is to remove scar tissue in trachea and strengthen its walls by inflating it inside a special balloon. To do this, doctor, under the control of an endoscope, installs special conductors into larynx, through which a set of microsurgical instruments, radio wave equipment or a laser is inserted. With their help, surgeon removes pathologically changed tissues. If there is a tissue defect on anterior surface of neck, it is closed with special cartilage alloplants or silicone implants.

    Please remember that Tel Aviv Medical Clinic is actively involved in clinical studies of various experimental treatment methods. Therefore, all our patients have a unique chance to become participants in such studies and receive innovative therapy absolutely free of charge. For some children, this is the only chance for a further long and fulfilling life.

    Professor Diro Ari

    Otolaryngologist, Head of the Department of Pediatric Otolaryngology

    Professor Henzel Ophir

    Leading Israeli otolaryngologist, head of the ENT surgery department of the medical center

    Professor Eyal Rave

    ENT doctor, Division Director

    Doctor Oshri Wasertsug

    ENT surgeon, senior doctor, Department of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology

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