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  • The Best Clinic
Weizman 14, Tel Aviv, Israel

    Pediatric Gynecology Department in Israel

    A pediatric gynecologist is a highly specialized doctor who treats diseases, injuries, and malformations of internal and external genital organs in girls from 0 to 18 years old. Most parents pay enough attention to child’s preventive examinations, but not everyone realizes the importance of periodic visits to pediatric gynecologist. This is a completely wrong tactic, because girls may experience problems related to reproductive system far before the onset of sexual activity (sometimes from birth). If they are not diagnosed on time, this will negatively affect not only the general child’s health, but also the function of childbearing in the future.

    Pediatric Gynecology Department of Tel Aviv Medical Clinic is a modern clinic that diagnoses and effectively treats gynecological diseases of childhood. In our Medical Department, little patients can receive the full range of medical services they need, from high-quality diagnostics to unique reconstructive surgical interventions for congenital malformations of reproductive system.

    A whole multidisciplinary team operates at Pediatric Gynecology Department. If clinical case is severe, other specialized specialists are involved in diagnostic and treatment process – endocrinologists, gynecological endocrinologists, plastic surgeons, pediatric urologists, pediatric surgeons, pediatric psychologists and other highly specialized doctors.

    Treatment advantages in Pediatric Gynecology Department:

    • Our pediatric gynecologists are highly qualified and professionally trained; they constantly undergo advanced training courses and internships in the best children’s hospitals in USA and Europe.
    • A mandatory part of pediatric gynecologist training at TAMC is psychology, that is, all doctors at a professional level have the skills to communicate with girls of different ages and will be able to find an approach to each child.
    • The department is equipped with only modern expert-class diagnostic and treatment equipment, which makes diagnosis and treatment not only effective, but also safe. If necessary, a whole multidisciplinary team of doctors can work on one clinical case. Comfortable conditions for staying in clinic, the opportunity to be with child during the entire stage of diagnostics and treatment, except for surgeries
    • Acceptable pricing policy, payment upon receipt of medical services.
    • Accompaniment by an employee of medical tourism department, interpreters services.
    • Individual approach to each child and his clinical case.
    • Rapid implementation of innovative drugs and other treatment methods into practice.

    The opportunity to become a participant in a clinical trial, as such trials are regularly carried out at TAMC.

    Little girl with her mother at a doctor on consultation.

    Practice spheres

    Pediatric gynecologists of our department will help a child with any disease of reproductive system, congenital or acquired, both common and very rare. Qualifications and unique rich experience of pediatric gynecologists at TAMC allow us to provide high-quality comprehensive care in following cases:

    • anomalies of female genital organs development: complete and partial septum of uterus and vagina, bicornuate uterus, unicornuate uterus, saddle uterus, complete duplication of uterus and vagina, hypoplasia and hyperplasia of labia majora and minora, imperforate or microperforated hymen, agenesis of uterus and vagina.
    • Menstrual disorders: primary amenorrhea, oligoamenorrhea, opsomenorrhea, menstrual and uterine bleeding, dysmenorrhea.
    • Infectious and inflammatory diseases: vulvovaginitis, cervicitis, colpitis, adnexitis.
    • Ovarian neoplasms: functional cysts, dermoid cysts, other benign ovarian formations. Malignant ovarian tumors are rare in childhood.
    • Selection and prescription of contraceptive methods for teenage girls.
    • Synechia (fusion) of labia minora in girls.
    • Delayed puberty or premature puberty.

    These are the most common reasons for seeking help from a pediatric gynecologist, but they are far from the only ones. If this list does not include a situation that worries your child, be sure to write to us to receive detailed information on the issue that interests you.

    Diagnostic methods in pediatric gynecology

    Diagnostic program usually includes the following tests:

    • A set of laboratory tests for blood and urine (general, biochemical, hormonal, markers of infectious lesions, etc.).
    • Flora smear and bacteriological culture of vaginal discharge.
    • PAP test for girls who are already sexually active.
    • Ultrasound of pelvic organs.
    • CT, MRI, MSCT, PET-CT of pelvic organs, abdominal cavity.
    • Endoscopic diagnostics (diagnostic hysteroscopy, diagnostic laparoscopy).
    • X-ray examination of internal genital organs.
    • Genetic tests if certain genetic syndromes and congenital diseases are suspected.
    • Biopsy, if necessary, followed by pathohistological examination of samples in the best pathohistological laboratories in Israel.

    The entire diagnostic process lasts 1-5 business days. At the first stage, parents and their child are consulted by the leading pediatric gynecologist at TAMC. The specialist will systematize complaints, study medical history, and review all medical documents that you brought with you. After this, gynecologist forms a preliminary diagnosis and develops a plan for further examination. The second stage of diagnostics is carried out in Diagnostic Department of TAMC, where all the necessary laboratory and instrumental techniques are available. The second stage lasts 1-3 business days. At the final third stage, during a second consultation, specialist examines all the results of additional examinations and forms a final diagnosis. After this, together with parents, and sometimes with other specialists, all treatment options are discussed and the most effective tactics are selected.


    It is very important that pediatric gynecologist is a highly qualified specialist who has extensive experience working with children and is able to establish positive psychological contact with child during consultation.

    Because girl who experiences fear will resist examination in every possible way, which makes diagnostics difficult. Specialists who can to establish such a connection work in Pediatric Gynecology Department of TAMC. So parents can completely trust them with the health of their daughter.

    Modern treatment methods in pediatric gynecology

    As a rule, in Pediatric Gynecology Department, specialists give preference to gentle treatment methods. The majority of problems in girls are eliminated by a comprehensive individual regimen of drug therapy. In their work, TAMC gynecologists use only drugs from trusted, world-famous manufacturers, so parents can be confident in effectiveness and safety of conservative therapy. Treatment regimen is selected individually, depending on diagnosis and child’s age.

    Surgical treatment methods are prescribed only in extreme and severe cases, for example, to correct congenital malformations of reproductive system or to remove benign or malignant neoplasms of genital organs. If a child needs surgery, it will be predominantly a minimally invasive intervention (hysteroscopy, laparoscopy), rather than extensive abdominal surgery and a long and difficult recovery period.

    Hysteroscopy is a minimally invasive technique for uterine cavity examining using a special device with a camera – a hysteroscope. The real-time image is displayed on a large screen in operating room, which allows surgeon to examine carefully every square millimeter of uterus from the inside and identify pathological changes. If necessary, perform a biopsy or, for example, a medical procedure – removal of a polyp, dissection of membrane in uterus, etc.

    Laparoscopy is a minimally invasive technique for surgical interventions on abdominal and pelvic organs. Similar to hysteroscopy, it is performed using instruments and a camera that are inserted into abdominal cavity through small incisions (usually no more than 3 in length up to 1 cm). After postoperative wounds heal, there is almost no trace left on skin from after surgery. Using laparoscopy, a gynecological surgeon examines the abdominal cavity, analyzes in detail the condition of all internal organs of reproductive system, and, if necessary, performs diagnostic (biopsy, checking fallopian tubes patency) or therapeutic (dissection of adhesions, cysts or ovarian tumors, etc.).

    Advantages of minimally invasive interventions:

    • reduction of hospitalization periods;
    • quick recovery after surgery;
    • risks of all postoperative complications are significantly lower;
    • there is practically no pronounced pain syndrome after surgery, which is very important in children;
    • excellent cosmetic effect – no large scars remain on skin after surgery.

    Robotic gynecological surgery “Da Vinci”. This innovative minimally invasive surgical procedure using Da Vinci robotic surgical unit has found wide application in surgycal gynecology for treatment of various reproductive problems, including in girls.

    This surgical system is designed specifically to perform interventions without the surgeon’s direct access to surgical wound. All manipulations with the human body are performed by mechanical arms controlled by an operator (surgeon). Gynecologist sees the entire image of surgical field on the screen behind the control panel in multiple magnification. The advantages of such robotic surgery are: all manipulations are performed with high precision, complications risk is minimal, low blood loss, quick recovery after surgery, minimal risk of infection of surgical wound.

    Single Port surgery. This surgical intervention is performed using a Single Port robotic installation, which means one incision. The procedure is performed through one small surgical approach below the umbilical ring. A special port containing manipulators, a camera and other necessary instruments is inserted into this incision. A manipulator is robot that is controlled by a surgeon at a distance. This approach allows us to minimize all surgical risks and achieve effective results with only a small access.

    In Pediatric Gynecology Department, specialists also perform complex, sometimes unique, reconstructive surgeries. For example, in girls with Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser syndrome (“Mullerian agenesis” is a congenital malformation of internal female genital organs, in which the vagina is completely absent or has a very short vagina, uterus may also be absent or have an abnormal structure) surgery is performed to create the vagina – colpopoiesis. Our surgeons master all modern techniques for this complex procedure: Mclndoe proceure, modification of colpopoiesis according to McIndoe, peritoneal laparoscopic colpopoiesis according to Davydov, colpoiesis from the colon, colpopoiesis according to Williams, laparoscopic colpopoiesis according to Vecchietti.

    Using such modern techniques, in case of aplasia (absence) of vagina, our surgeons manage to create a normally vagina functioning in 85-90% of cases.

    Vaccination against cervical cancer (CC). One of the most significant risk factors for cervical cancer development is infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV), therefore vaccination against the human papillomavirus accordingly protects against cervical cancer. In Israel, it is actively recommended that all girls receive this vaccination in order to protect them from developing this malignant disease in future. Vaccination is most effective between the ages of 9 and 14 years, as children are less likely to develop HPV. Today, several types of HPV vaccines are available: Cervarix, which protects against types 16 and 18 of the virus; Gardasil-4, which protects against types 6, 11, 16 and 18 of the virus, Gardasil-9, which protects simultaneously against 9 types of HPV.

    This is only a small part of modern treatment methods in Pediatric Gynecology Department of TAMC. Our specialists find an individual approach to each child, treatment is selected separately in each case, as a rule, therapy is conservative and safe. If surgical intervention is necessary, pediatric gynecologist will select the most gentle method: minimally invasive endoscopic surgical interventions or innovative robotic surgery. A collegial approach will help us to make the right decision – the joint work of surgeons, gynecologists, endocrinologists and other specialists.

    Professor Yosef Lessing

    Head of Oncogynecological and Maternity Department

    Doctor Aryeh Yeshaya


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