• The Best Clinic
  • The Best Clinic
Weizman 14, Tel Aviv, Israel

    Children and Youth Rehabilitation Department

    Israel is one of the leading countries in Europe in the field of medicine. Many clinics are the best in the world. Specialists from other countries come to Israel to improve their qualifications. Here are the best hospitals in the field of surgery, oncology, gynaecology, as well as institutions for the development and rehabilitation of children.

    The children’s rehabilitation department is located in the leading Israeli clinic Tel Aviv Medical Clinic. Real professionals work with children who have vast experience and the necessary knowledge. Every year, our medical staff undergoes special training and knows how to build friendly relations with children. Rehabilitation means the restoration of the physical and mental health of a person, as well as the impaired functions of the body. Our clinic provides medical care that meets international standards. Our doctors approach each patient individually and offer a wide range of rehabilitation services at an affordable price. If necessary, our medical staff will help you contact charitable foundations to raise funds for treatment.

    The services we provide

    To obtain the optimal result of rehabilitation treatment, we use all modern means. They are constantly being improved, some are shown the emphasis on drug recovery, others – the massive use of physiotherapy. Our department focuses on a personalized approach. Specialists provide the following assistance: 

    • Orthopedic;
    • Psychiatric;
    • Neurological;
    • Geriatric;
    • Respiratory;
    • Post-traumatic.

    Our clinic is known all over the world for the use of the latest technologies that are used by doctors to provide rehabilitation services. It should be noted that the hospital has a specialized support centre for parents and children, where you can get professional psychological and moral assistance.

    The diseases that we treat

    Our specialists treat the following pathologies in children: 

    • Neuromuscular anomalies;
    • Injuries;
    • Cerebral palsy;
    • Spina bifida;
    • Congenital or acquired anomalies;
    • Respiratory infections;
    • Developmental defects;
    • Oncology;
    • Developmental delay;
    • Rehabilitation of children with disabilities.

    A great deal of attention in the rehabilitation of children with developmental disabilities in our department is also paid to the training of parents, who actively participate in the rehabilitation process and are one of the most important members of the rehabilitation team. 


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