• The Best Clinic
  • The Best Clinic
Weizman 14, Tel Aviv, Israel



    There are no people on whose body there would not be a single mole, speck, papilloma or small wart. All these formations are natural and can occur in every person. Unfortunately, this can become not only an aesthetic problem that cannot be masked, but also degenerate into a malignant formation (in the case of moles), or simply cause a number of inconveniences.

    Neoplasms are of the following types: benign, which can be removed after a biopsy; precancerous, borderline; malignant. It should be understood that after the last biopsy, the last two types of neoplasms must be consulted by an oncologist for removal. But if you have a benign neoplasm, then you can remove it with a laser, cold or cauterization.

    The leading Israeli clinic Tel Aviv Medical Clinic employs real professionals who have been involved in the detection and treatment of various pathologies for over 10 years. We use the latest equipment and innovative methods of therapy. The rooms in our department are equipped with everything necessary for a comfortable stay of patients. The clinic has established rates at the state level. If necessary, our staff will help you contact charitable foundations to raise funds for treatment.

    Procedures and operations 

    Qualified doctors help patients to get rid of formations in the following ways: 

    • Surgical removal – cutting with a scalpel. It is used for large neoplasms or suspected malignancy.
    • Cryodestruction – freezing of a skin element, as a result of which it dies and is easily removed.
    • Thermocoagulation – burning out neoplasm tissue with a red-hot loop.
    • Radio wave surgery – warts, papillomas and moles are easily susceptible to high-frequency waves.
    • Chemical destruction – the destruction of pathological formations with the help of chemicals.
    • The most modern technology for removing skin neoplasms is laser photocoagulation. It can be used to remove almost any skin defect. The laser for facial skin is especially in demand because it provides high accuracy and does not leave noticeable scars.

    Advantages of the method of chemical destruction 

    • The simplicity of the procedure: no special equipment and special skills are required.
    • Low cost.
    • The lack of need for local anaesthesia (especially important for intolerance to local anaesthetics)
    • The treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis (after the procedure, the patient goes home).


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