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    Acoustic neuroma surgery (vestibular schwannoma): types of surgical treatment

    Acoustic neuroma surgery (vestibular schwannoma): types of surgical treatment

    Acoustic neuroma – a benign neoplasm of the eighth, cranial nerve. It connects the brain, the inner ear of a person. The nerve consists of two separate parts. One part is responsible for transmitting audio signals. The second nerve compartment’s task is the transfer of balance information to the region of the brain sent by the inner ear.

    Types of neurinoma resection surgery

    In medicine, there are three main types of surgical resection of an acoustic neuroma. Each technique has advantages features.

    • Operation using the middle fossa. The optimal method for excising small formations extending beyond the border of the internal auditory canals. After the intervention, the patient’s hearing preserved. This is an advantage of the method. Feature – the possibility of using exclusively for the treatment of small neuromas that affect the internal auditory canal;
    • Retrosigmoidal technique. It used for excision of a vestibular schwannoma of small diameter. Surgical intervention allows you to save the sensory function of the patient. Optimal for resection of a neoplasm that affects the internal auditory passage. Often, the pathology located next to the brain stem. Advantages of the method: the possibility of a detailed study of the neoplasm relative to the brain stem, the preservation of the facial nerves, hearing. Features of the operation are to reduce the safety of hearing with significant formations. Many patients complain of severe headaches after retrosigmoid surgery;
    • Translabyrinthine technique. It allows you to remove the neoplasm of various dimensions, leading to the loss of auditory function. The disadvantage of this method is the violation of acoustic functionality. A complete loss of sensory function is allowed. Advantages: the possibility of treating neuromas of any size, good access to the internal auditory canal, the schwannoma. The technique has used for many years – specialists have vast experience in the application of translabyrinthine intervention. It allows you to identify the facial nerve, to exclude its damage.

    Acoustic Schwannoma Surgical Treatment at Tel Aviv Medical Clinic

    The leading clinic in Tel Aviv conducts operations to treat acoustic neuroma using the latest, high-tech equipment. This allows many times to increase the accuracy and effectiveness of therapeutic methods.

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