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  • The Best Clinic
Weizman 14, Tel Aviv, Israel

    Achalasia - symptoms, treatment, and diagnosis

    Achalasia is called the nerve-muscle disease of the esophagus, due to which its motor activity is impaired. It becomes difficult for a person to swallow food; it is difficult to pass through the throat and spit-up. This leads to pain in the chest area.

    The disease can cause a past infectious disease, inflammation in the esophagus, or congenital malformations of the plexus on the walls of the throat. If the autonomic nervous system is broken, a person will suffer a severe emotional shock, cook food quickly, and be randomly for a long time; this increases the risk of developing an ailment.

    Symptoms of achalasia

    Identification of the disease at an early stage will help knowledge of the main symptoms. With the development of the disease, a person feels the following changes in state: 

    • Solid, liquid food passes into the body with difficulty; 
    • The patient spits up right after the end of the meal; 
    • Regurgitation causes incline; 
    • Bodyweight is rapidly declining; 
    • Chest pains, a person feels sick; 
    • The appearance of halitosis; 
    • Coughing fits can cause suffocation.

    How to determine achalasia 

    An experienced specialist begins the examination of the patient with a study of symptoms, medical history, and a survey. The next step is to undergo a comprehensive exam, which includes: 

    • Radiography of the sternum; 
    • Esophagoscopy; 
    • Endoscopic biopsy; 
    • fluoroscopy; 
    • Esophanomanometry.

    The doctor examines the biopsy, conducts several pharmacological tests. To analyze the esophagus in more detail, computed tomography, and other additional procedures used.

    How to cure achalasia 

    The choice of method for treating a patient depends on how severe the disease is. When using the conservative approach, it recommended to carry out pneumocardial dilatation. The esophagocardiomyotomy way is a surgical procedure. As an adjunct therapy, medication is necessary. 

    The success of treatment largely depends on compliance with the diet.

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