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  • The Best Clinic
  • The Best Clinic
Weizman 14, Tel Aviv, Israel



    Many women are inattentive to their health and do not turn to specialists on time. That is why cancerous tumours occupy a leading position in the world. In order to avoid unpleasant complications, it is necessary to conduct a self-examination and, if seals are found, consult a specialist. The leading Israeli clinic Tel Aviv Medical Clinic employs professionals who specialize in the treatment of cancer. Our department is equipped with the latest equipment, with which you can identify dangerous pathologies at the initial stage.

    Causes of the tumour

    Specialists believe that very often the disease occurs in women after 40 years with a genetic predisposition. The main causes of the tumour:

    • early menstruation;
    • menopause;
    • first birth after 35 years;
    • presence of seals;
    • obesity;
    • malnutrition;
    • constant stress;
    • abuse of alcohol and smoking;
    • polluted terrain and more.

    After adulthood, all women must undergo an annual examination by a gynaecologist and conduct breast self-examination.

    Symptoms of the disease

    If you notice the following signs of education, you must immediately consult a doctor:

    • peeling of the skin around the nipple;
    • thickening of the skin in any part;
    • the presence of discharge from the nipple;
    • the occurrence of pain;
    • swollen lymph nodes;
    • change in the shape of the breast and nipple;
    • redness and swelling of the skin and others.

    When the above symptoms appear, you should not self-medicate. Only a doctor can evaluate the symptoms, examine the affected area and, if necessary, prescribe a further examination.


    Surgical removal saves the patient from a tumour that is most likely to be malignant. The resulting biomaterial is examined to determine if cancer cells are present. Not all formations are cancerous, some of them can be benign (non-cancerous).

    Lumpectomy is an operation to remove a malignant (cancerous) tumour from the breast. Only the tumour and a small area of ​​healthy tissue around it are removed. Lumpectomy is an organ-preserving operation that allows you to maintain the shape of the breast and, usually, the nipple.

    Such an operation is possible when the tumour is in one particular area of ​​the mammary gland and is not multifocal or diffuse. Partial resection is sometimes performed if several tumours are located close to the same quadrant of the mammary gland. But usually, if the tumour is multifocal, a total mastectomy is necessary.


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