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  • The Best Clinic
  • The Best Clinic
Weizman 14, Tel Aviv, Israel

    Plastic surgery in Israel

    In Israel plastic surgery is at a very high level of development. The most complex reconstructive and cosmetic surgical interventions are performed here, which require from doctor not only excellent practical skills, but also deep knowledge in the field of anatomy and medicine in general.

    Specialists at Plastic Surgery Department at Tel Aviv Medical Clinic have extensive experience in performing both simple and very complicated plastic surgeries and cosmetic procedures. If necessary, specialists from other medical fields are also involved in treatment and diagnostic process – dermatologists, cosmetologists, neurosurgeons, dentists, ENT doctors, oncologists, physiotherapists, nutritionists and other necessary doctors.

    The main advantages of plastic surgery at Tel Aviv Medical Clinic:

    • the department employs only the best world-famous plastic surgeons;
    • active implementation of innovative surgical techniques into practice;
    • application only high-quality, modern, certified expert-class medical equipment;
    • individual approach to each patient and his clinical situation;
    • complete anonymity;
    • if necessary, involving a whole team of doctors in treatment;
    • vast experience in both simple and complex surgical interventions;
    • Department of Reconstructive Surgery for children and teenagers;
    • reasonable prices, payment upon completion of medical or diagnostic procedures;
    • fast and comprehensive rehabilitation process;
    • comfortable conditions of stay in clinic, friendly and highly qualified medical staff.

    Main practice areas of Plastic Surgery Department

    All surgeries and procedures that are performed on patients in Plastic Surgery Department of TAMC can be divided into 2 large groups:

    • Aesthetic, the main aim of which is to improve a person’s appearance, prolong youth, eliminate defects in appearance that give rise to complexes and cause trouble for their owner, for example, body modeling, changing the nose shape, blepharoplasty, abdominoplasty, etc.
    • Reconstructive surgeries make it possible to eliminate serious defects in appearance that have arisen as a result of congenital malformations, acquired diseases, injuries, for example, reconstruction of female breast after a mastectomy for breast cancer, elimination of cicatricial deformation of skin due to serious burns, etc.

    The most common types of surgeries in Plastic Surgery Department of TAMC:

    • female breast reconstruction;
    • Blepharoplasty (eyelid lift);
    • otoplasty (changing the shape of ears);
    • Abdominoplasty (correction of abdomen’s shape and size);
    • circular facelift;
    • plastic surgery of buttocks;
    • septo and rhinoplasty;
    • liposuction;
    • hair transplantation;
    • cheiloplasty (changing lips shape and volume);
    • intimate plastic surgery;
    • plastic surgery of hand area;
    • hardware cosmetology;
    • injection cosmetology;
    • procedures for surgical treatment of obesity (bariatric surgery) – gastric banding, gastric bypass, etc.

    In addition to standard and popular range of plastic surgery services, specialists of our department provide assistance to patients, including children, with severe congenital developmental defects, for example, correction of cleft lip and cleft palate, syndactyly, polydactyly, and other developmental defects of upper and lower extremities, reconstructive surgeries after radical treatment of nose cancer, ear cancer, skin cancer and much more.

    Cosmetician and female patient with markers on her face. Rejuvenation procedure in beautician salon. Cosmetic surgery against wrinkles, preparation to botox

    Diagnostic methods in Plastic Surgery Department

    As in any other TAMC department, patient examination in Plastic Surgery Department begins with an examination of patient and a conversation with attending physician. After initial consultation, specialist makes up necessary follow-up plan.

    The department has all the necessary medical equipment for high-quality and quick diagnostics, according to draft plan. As a rule, the diagnostic stage takes 1-3 days, depending on situation complexity and the planned scope of surgical intervention.

    The final stage of diagnostic process in TAMC is the development of a treatment plan and the necessary recovery procedures after it. This is done either by attending physician himself or by a team of specialists in complex clinical cases. Based on obtained data during examination stage, a treatment and rehabilitation plan is made up for each patient separately.

    What diseases does Plastic surgery Department treat?

    Modern treatment methods in Plastic Surgery Department

    Plastic Surgery Department practices all modern methods of reconstructive interventions.

    Endoscopic facelift

    The classic facelift technique is a circular facelift. During this surgery, large incisions are made, which are placed in less noticeable areas (hairline on head, chin), but if you look closely, such scars always remain noticeable. The modern version of a facelift is an endoscopic facelift; during this procedure, incisions up to 0.5 cm long are made in the area of the temples and forehead along the hairline; surgeon performs all manipulations using modern endoscopic technology.

    Benefits of endoscopic facelift:

    • minimally invasive procedure;
    • significantly lower amount of complications;
    • severe postoperative swelling occurs less frequently;
    • recovery is much faster;
    • surgery time is reduced;
    • the effect of procedure is comparable to a classic circular facelift. 

    Mohs micrographic surgery

    Often, after radical treatment of skin tumors, disfiguring scars remain on the body, and if this is located in a visible place, for example, on face, this can cause serious psychological problems for patients in future. In Plastic Surgery Department, we practice a modern method of treating skin tumors using the Mohs method in order to minimize the possibility of large scar formation at the site of radical surgery to remove the tumor.

    The technique allows for microscopic examination of tissues during surgery itself and layer-by-layer tumor removal, while preserving the full extent of healthy tissue.

    Using the Mohs method, our specialists perform interventions such as removal of cysts, moles, lipomas, scars, suspicious skin tumors, and malignant tumors (basal cell and squamous cell carcinoma).


    Patient is required to undergo allergy tests for drugs that will be used during surgery and in postoperative period. In case of positive reactions, medications are replaced with safe options for each patient.


    This procedure allows us to remove defects of lower eyelid (bags and wrinkles under the eyes). The incision is made along the edge of eyelash growth or from the inner surface of lower eyelid. Next, surgeon eliminates all defects (excess skin or fatty tissue). The procedure is highly effective and can be performed under both general and local anesthesia.


    Correcting the shape of ears can eliminate a fairly common problem – protruding ears. Surgery is performed on both adults and children from the age of 7 (at this point formation of auricles in children ends). The incision is located behind the ear, so scar will be completely invisible in future.

    Female breast reconstruction using the DIEP flap method

    Breast removal is a common procedure for cancer. Recently, this disease has affected middle-aged patients, and not just older women. At the same time, losing a breast for most women is not only a medical tragedy, but also a difficult psychological test.

    Therefore, at TAMC, all breast cancer patients scheduled for mastectomy consult with a plastic surgeon about future breast reconstruction.

    One of the best methods for breast reconstruction is the DIEP flap technique. The essence of surgery: a skin flap is excised from patient along with subcutaneous fat in abdomen or buttock and transplanted to the site of removed breast. With the help of high-tech microsurgical equipment, a new female breast is formed, which is almost identical to natural one.

    Reconstruction of female breast using the DIEP flap method is a very complicated surgery, but TAMC plastic surgeons are perfectly proficient in the technique of performing this progressive surgical intervention.

    This is only a small part of plastic surgeries performed by surgeons at Plastic Surgery Department of Tel Aviv Medical Clinic. If you are interested in a contract procedure or have a defect in your appearance that prevents you from living to the fullest, please contact us. Our specialists will do everything possible to ensure that you never again feel bad due to defects in your appearance.

    Professor Yoav Barnea

    Plastic surgeon, specialist in breast microsurgery, head of the department of breast surgery

    Professor Eyal Gur

    Specialist in plastic and aesthetic surgery, head of the department of plastic microsurgery

    Doctor David Leshem

    Head physician of the Department of Pediatric Plastic Surgery

    Doctor Arad Udi

    Doctor at the plastic and reconstructive surgery department in the clinic

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